76 Replies to “July 18, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. He says the NY Slimes photographer was privy to something happening without saying so.

      That’s what I gleaned from his commentary.

      1. And then you realize that pretty much every MSM-christened conspiracy theory of the last 60 years has pretty much turned out to be true.
        Hmmmmm….Gulf of Tonkin, Pearl Harbor, Remember the Maine……..okay I stand corrected……the last couple hundred/thousand years. Lies. Always the lies.
        No Occam’s.
        The Hand of God defeated the Hand of the Alphabets.

  1. “Strong military ally” and all that: Russia’s ‘New’ Artillery Is A 1950s Monster Firing North Korean Shells

    Apparently, North Korea to Russia is the same as the United States to Ukraine, so maybe schweinie-lovers should strive for “good relationship with North Korea” instead of “good relationship with Russia”? After all, the latter appears to be the dominant military power in their “alliance”.

    1. Another milestone. It is an antique, overweight piece long since retired by orks because it has been terribly inefficient, way too much weight of the gun for too light shell. I predicted that we will see it, more than a year ago. Next? I am guessing 180mm S-23. Norks got this caliber too.

      1. Given the difficulty of moving them around (my understanding is, one may be too much for a normal tractor and would probably need something like MT-LB), they are not likely to survive for long in the environment saturated with counter-artillely radars and recon UAVs, are they?

        1. I weights a ton more than MSTA-B which used to be a standard russian towed piece (back when one could still pretend there was standardization in ork army). So it will be harder to move and put more strain on the towing vehicle and the crew. It also fires a weaker shell than MSTA-B and the unassisted rage is similar. And it introduces a whole new caliber to the logistics chain. What’s not to love?

          Having said that, it s about two tons lighter than Giatsint-B so they probably got something to tow it with.

          They seem to be using KAMAZ 6×6 trucks of some kind. Recently a video came out of one truck smashing a passenger car. Looks like the weight in the back did not help with breaking… although would an ork even break for a passenger car?

        2. alla unDORK surfer
          “(my understanding is, your emoting is, you dumb ASS
          You and Jessica are just a pair of emotional fools, rite Fatso?

    2. Stuck in the mud.
      Fighting with shovels.
      Fleeing in panic from HIMARS.
      No planes left.
      Deserting in droves.
      etc, etc.
      Gonna take Poland, all the Baltic states, and roll over western Europe.

      -Jessica’s Colon and his butthole surfer.

      1. As I have said before, the mere fact that the person who had – repeatedly – made claims like “Russians are only progressing slowly because they aim to capture the infrastructure intacts” even dares to mock someone else is very telling.

        BTW, according to you, what were ruϟϟische schweine doing in the Kharkov region in summer / autumn 2022 if not “fleeing in panic from HIMARS”? Also, is the last line another of your predictions or just something you attribute to someone else? Just curious.

        1. Still more “Retreating to Victory!”


          “By most generally accepted accounts, the Russians have carved out the buffer zone they initially wanted. Russia is essentially no longer trying to take any more ground in Ukraine and in many places, they have begun rebuilding towns. That’s what it looks like on the ground.”

          That has been the case for some time now.

          “Ukraine had crossed the Dnipro to take the village of Krynky (near Kherson) a few months ago and had been trying to hold the area. However, with the river behind them it was increasingly unrealistic to stop Russia from retaking the town. As expected, Russia pushed the depleted Ukraine f0rces back across the river.”

          To the surprise of no one.

          “An article published on Wednesday by Slidstvo Info, an investigative Ukrainian news outlet, reported that at least 1,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed on the eastern bank or are missing. That figure could not be independently confirmed. (read more) ”

          Only 1000 Ukrainians dead this time, so that’s something…

          “The Ukrainian military said on Wednesday night that fighting continued on the eastern bank but that most of the main positions in the village of Krynky, where its troops had gained a foothold, “were destroyed by intense, combined and prolonged enemy fire.” The statement came after several Ukrainian news media outlets reported that Ukrainian f0rces had withdrawn from the village, which now lies in ruins.”

          Such a waste of life, and for what? They KNEW they couldn’t hold it.

          End this farce now. NEGOTIATE.

          1. Sure, my usual moronic self-contadicting Flinny, Russians are no longer trying to take ground, but Ukrainians are retreating, LOL.

            And yes, only 1000 Ukrainians dead compared to tens of thousands of Russians wasted on taking the ruined Soledar / Bakhmut / Avdiyivka / Vuhledar (the latter is still controlled by Ukraine), that’s something.

      2. “Stuck in the mud.”

        Happens every rasputitsa. That is why ork initial invasion was poorly timed. Even you could have figured that one out by now.

        “Fighting with shovels.”

        On at least two occasions Storm Z were sent with no guns on a reconnaissance mission. their job was to draw fire.

        “Fleeing in panic from HIMARS.”

        Made up. introduction of HIMARS was a shock to orks and for(ed them completely rearrange their frontline logistics. They are still suffering from it.

        “No planes left.”

        Entirely made up. They are however using them up faster than they can replace them and are short of some key types like Tu-95s, this in turns limits how large a salvo they can fire at the same time (provided they have missiles).

        “Deserting in droves.”

        Confirmed many times over. Orks prefer to rape each other in POW camps than in mud holes. AIDS spreads just as well but in POW camps orks gain weight (they never ate that well in their lives). In contrast, Ukrainians in POW camps are systematically starved and tortured. Because all orks are animals that mainstream sadisms and the world would be a better place if they were removed from it along with their fanbase.

        “Gonna take Poland,”

        Not take, but will try given half a chance.

        “all the Baltic states,”

        Yes, unless NATO decides to fight in their defense.

        ” and roll over western Europe.”

        Vatnik fantasy.

        P.S. As usual, you’re a whore and a demagogue.

      1. Someone with a weird attraction for ruϟϟischeschweinism, which is the prevalent ideology in Russia (officially known as “Russian world”). Basically, it stipulates that everybody indebted to Russia and thus Russia can set its own borders and those whom they deem belonging to the “Russian world” should take direct orders from Moscow, otherwise they are traitors and should be dealt as such.

      2. “What’s a schweinie-lover ?”

        Anyone with a normally functioning brain who can see what is really going on in Ukraine, as the US and other western nations keep extending this war that they know Ukraine cannot win for the sole purpose of *making money* on the arms sales. The people who don’t care how many Ukrainians must die to continue this exploitation really hate having this pointed out, and thus continuously attack anyone who dares do so in a laughably ineffective effort to shut us up.

        1. Nope. “A normally functioning brain” is not what gives you a weird attraction for human-fancying pigs. Then again, I don’t blame you for the mistaken definition, as you certainly have no way of knowing what “a normally functioning brain” does, simply because you don’t have one (which is illustrated e. g. by your predictions turing out so comically wrong).

    1. There’s no protection for us from all the “refugees” and “migrants” they fly into Canada, but because these same Muslims are protesting against Liberal MP’s they want special protection for themselves while denying it for us with their bail reform law that let’s most criminals roam free.

      Liberal MP wants ‘protective zones’ for MPs as threats increase

    1. Gee, and the selfish driver is a female of an ethnic group known for bad driving too…

  2. Expect more injustice from the Liberals’ forthcoming Black Justice Strategy
    A steering group has recommended radically soft criminal law reforms and a vast expansion of race-based government programs

    The following are essential components of a racially fair Canada according to a pair of federally appointed brainstormers: dedicated Black courts and federal departments, racial “decarceration” targets … and, possibly, reparations for slavery.

    These measures, numbering 114 in total, were recommended to the federal government by a steering group at the end of June to shape the Liberal government’s forthcoming Black Justice Strategy. It’s an initiative that will be sure to promote disorder and advance the well-being of a select few, if the guiding material is any indication…

    1. I am surprised they haven’t created a new tax only on White Old Stock Canadians to pay reparations to all the illegal immigrants staying in Canada as well as non-White Canadians.

      1. They have, it is called Income Tax.

        Back when Jean Cretin was our Prime Sinister, he had a directive that the Canada Revenue Agency was not to investigate anybody who got into Canada under the Investor Immigrant program for tax fraud or evasion.

    1. If I could collect the pension he will receive I wouldn’t work 1 second longer than I had to.
