28 Replies to “Libranos. Rats. Ship.”

  1. Please no tears for wee Seamus . Trudope’s whore media will find a soft landing to supplement his gold plated pension . These people have no shame .

    1. Sheamlus O’Reardon recieved plenty of hard poundings to secure that soft landing. He’s living the urban Canadian dream.

  2. He’s going out with his head held high – between Juthtin’s pimpled butt cheeks.

  3. The first of many to come over the next year. Seamus knows he’s getting the high-jump from the voters next year. It will be interesting to see who else is numbered among the fleeing rats over the next year.

    1. Well, let’s just hope our beloved Minister of International Development,Ahmed Hussen, doesn’t get discouraged and move back to his “beautiful Somalia”, as he threatened to do if he lost in ’21.

      What a loss that would be! What was O’Regan’s particular area of expertise, apart from being gay? Or was that his only qualification?

      1. CBC and CTV broadcasting. Communications VP for Stronach Group. Worked for Jean Charest and Brian Tobin. And that’s it before his election in Newfoundland in 2015.

        His political experience was as a gofer. Dumped into cabinet in 2017 for Veterans Affairs, then Indigenous Affairs, then Natural Resources Canada. He was responsible for NO new legislation in any of these posts.

        In short, a complete light-weight. He’s done nothing that mattered much to anyone.

  4. Curious which of the rats have fully vested civil service gold plated pensions. Still waiting for Andrew Coyne to get a senate seat.

  5. When it comes to mincing, wee Shameless could out-mince the Prime Mincer.

    1. and that combobulation of words is stolden right here & right now. effing precious.

    1. Rum, bum and the lash in retirement — just like on board the Royal Yacht Justine.

  6. So the near criminally deficient job he was doing on his porfolio when he was hoping to be re-elected will be followed by what sort of effort now that he doesn’t have to even pretend that he cares about Canada?

    Also, when he mentions his reasons for leaving office, he doesn’t mention being a better Canadian.
    That of course would have been easy to do if he’d displayed any morals or character in his entire term in office.

  7. He’s not seeking reelection; he’s seeking the nearest bar filled with men and booze.

  8. This is such a tragedy. Oh, wait.
    What in the flying fiddlers #&@$ did this useless sack of shit ever do to enhance one Canadians life?

  9. He was elected by a riding of losers so he gets what he deserves. No angst from the west. Good luck bye bye. Enjoy the bathhouse.

  10. I understand he’s gotten the lucrative position as quality control tester at Seagrams Distillery.

  11. Shame-us O’Wrong again, the very same guy who excoriated Rob Ford for his substance abuse, as Rob was going into rehab, then Shame-us declares he’s an alcoholic (duh) and checks into the very SAME rehab as Rob and is hailed as a hero..

