41 Replies to “WTF?”

  1. Not looking any better. I tried posting yesterday there were reports the parents alerted police hours before but the post went away. Looks to me like their plan was what happens, happens. If it was successful their response would be ‘he acted alone’.

  2. It was a CIA/Deep state effort ordered by whoever is actually in charge in the Whitehouse. That is my opinion.

  3. I think we all know damned well this was your Classic Inside Job.
    Same CABAL (the next Gen), that tried to snuff Reagan, & did so with JFK & his brother.
    The Video Evidence is beyond overwhelming…

    Will ANYthing be done..??

  4. In industrial accident investigations they talk about the Swiss Cheese model.
    Essentially you’re looking at all the small holes in the safety processes that sometimes line up and an incidence occurrs.
    This wasn’t a few small holes in a Swiss Cheese that lined up.
    This is a multitude of massive deliberately created holes in the security system that lined up.

    “Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.”
    What is a few dozen?

    Didn’t any of the police and security there have radios?
    If so, why wasn’t Trump hustled off of the stage, or better yet, not allowed on the stage until the questions had been answered?

  5. Not exactly uncharted territory for the USSS when you consider the JFK assassination. Even the Warren Commission was perplexed why every single member of the SS detail that day in Nov. wasn’t fired.

    Someone higher up the food chain told them to stand down. I’ve said it before…they let the kid have his one shot… then they took him out.

      1. Now they are claiming the kid was there to do a mass shooting?

        Got me where that came from

      2. Precisely ROADDOG…!!
        There are reports from other Students at his high school commenting that Crooks had joined the Rifle team and Categorically, Dismally, Spectacularly failed to qualify.

        I saw a pic yesteray taken from the Side with obviously a very hi speed lens showing a bullet flying by Trumps head…Not sure if this is legit or photoshopped…but there were more than just one shot fired.

        Anyway, this 20 yr old is not in any way shape or form the “SHOOTER”….Likely some sniper from another perch took the shot that nicked Trumps EAR.

        This was not IMO a series of misunderstandings nor Incompetence – 100% INSIDE JOB regardless of how ya look at it.

        FIGHT – FIGHT..!!
        Go TRUMP – Eviscerate said DEEP STATE..!!

        1. @Steakman – “There are reports from other Students…..”

          A subjective evaluation as one student reported he was “bullied by everybody”.

          How long was it between his reported shooting school failure and the day of the assassin shooting? Weeks, months, years? I haven’t heard how long, possibly someone else here has.

          Some kids humiliated will try to excel themselves after hours and push to master what embarrassed them. If he truly was a shitty shot a week before ok fine, but if this happened 6 months to a year or more prior, he may have hit the shooting range hard to prove something.

          It doesn’t take long for most youth to excel with practice.

  6. It was incompetence + deliberate. Plus, they were cocky (no one ever thought ‘what if the shooter misses?’). The whole thing hit them back like a boomerang because they are incompetent at everything. Even scheming and plotting devilish stuff is done poorly. Like wiping out all the internet presence of the shooter. Or coming up with ridiculous excuses like that sloped roof/omg safety. And yesterday: aww, Biden has covid.

    1. Which makes zero sense, given that he could have done a “mass shooting” from ground level.

  7. Occam’s Razor – In Theory:
    Occam’s razor is a principle of theory construction or evaluation according to which, other things equal, explanations that posit fewer entities, or fewer kinds of entities, are to be preferred to explanations that posit more.

    Occam’s Razor – In Practice:
    Until proven otherwise (through an exceedingly thorough investigation producing reliable and irrefutable evidence from unimpeachable sources,) the simplest answer remains. The attempted assassination of Donald Trump was a failure by the Secret Service to protect the Presumptive Republican Presidential Candidate.

    1. Hanlon’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

      That being said, the sheer volume of stupidity involved on behalf of the SS, is beyond belief

  8. In my opinion this was deliberate.
    Some are saying they knew the shooter was up there for 20 minutes.
    I don’t care if you only knew for 2 minutes Trump should have been taken off stage but wasn’t, how come.
    And why waite till the shooter shoots and then take action.
    You can’t be that stupid- this was by design in my opinion.
    And only by Gods grace did Trump survive!

    1. “You can’t be that stupid-”

      Never underestimate the degree of stupidity that humans can achieve, especially on the Left, where the ability to reason intelligently is sorely lacking.

      For some years now I have believed that Common Sense is a spiritual gift from God, and that when you reject God, you lose your common sense. All the evidence, in my view, supports this.

  9. Remember that other lone gunman in Dallas?
    If it was a lone gunman acting alone why are the files still classified?
    What do you need to keep secret about a lone gunman acting alone?

  10. There’s a good possibility the SS agents assigned to him hate Trump and were happy to wait and see if the kid was successful.
    They shot him after he fired 8 times, what heroes. If Crook hadn’t been raised on Hollywood, he wouldn’t have tried a head shot and J.D. Vance would now be the Presidential candidate
    What a bunch of fu**ups, both the SS and the cops!

    1. I don’t know if this dummy was co-opted or unbelievable SS incompetence – BUT………

      I also don’t understand how people can’t believe that intelligence agencies do not have the capabilities to source out troubled youth and then groom them through undercover means.

      1. Simple to locate a troubled teen online in the area of interest.
      2. Establish online friendship though undercover agent (a cool anitfa kid couple of years older)
      3. Eventually meet and cement friendship.
      4. Develop a plot and make it their little secret.
      5. Friend turns out to know some people that promise to grease the way.
      6. Plan and practice some shooting skills together.
      7. Day of shooting allow dumb assassin to set up take first shots then eliminate assassin.
      8. Scrub assassins online profile including phone texts and records.
      9. With “blank slate” re-write new online narrative and phone records to taste.

      I’m not saying that’s what happened, but if you believe the CIA and FBI have been targeting Trump since 2016, and believe that intelligence services has the ability to over-through foreign governments through clandestine means, you should think they would be able to dupe a stupid kid.

      If they can fool governments and infiltrate drug cartels they could have gotten to this kid. The biggest issue is that no one can buy the SS being this completely incompetent. Maybe they are, then America has big, big problems on the global stage.

  11. Lee Harvey Crooks is a patsy… this is a CIA Deep State assassination attempt… the first of many.
    The CIA will not allow the American people to take back their country and theyll murder whoever they have to murder to maintain the cabals power.
    They would rather see the country in ashes than have their crimes exposed.
    Hang on to your hats and asses.
    Its going to get worse.

    1. The shooter technically didn’t miss, Trump flinched while the bullet was in flight and moved the target.

      Ethical big game hunters do not take shots beyond reasonable distances, not because they can’t make long range shots on stationary targets, but because big game can flinch or step out of the way after the trigger is pulled and the time it takes for the bullet to travel the distance.

      It is the difference between a heart/ lung shot and hitting it in the ass to suffer and bleed out somewhere 5 miles away.

      Even at 130 yards Trump flinched and pulled the target out from the bullet in flight.


  12. When I saw the picture of the ‘shooter’ with blood on his face I thought that looked a bit odd. Then I saw a picture of his dead body on the roof with the rifle some distance away and was again perplexed. There was no blood on the roof. I have shot a few animals in my time and the one thing that always amazed me is the damage the bullet did as it existed the thing I had just shot. One in particular I shot a coyote with a 6 mm rifle. Tiny hole where it bullet entered. The entire other side of the coyote was missing. It had been blown away with bits of fur and guts and blood everywhere. Yet this kid was shot with a 300 or 30.08 in the head and there was no blood visible on the nice white roof.

        1. I meant Trump would be dead. All the dead vote Democrat. It is the law of Hades.
