25 Replies to “Go Joe Go!”

    1. I agree. Joe Biden is much better — for the Trump Republicans and the country — than a Harris-Newsom ticket. Hopefully Touchy Joe will show some resilience.

  1. Awesome!

    Let #Brandon suck all the oxygen away from the rest of them. Run, #Brandon! Run!

    The DemocRat convention is going to be popcorn ready.

  2. George Floyd, a small-time crook who did nothing worthy with his life, is now deified.

  3. I asked all people of faith on farcebook to say a prayer for Joe Biden and ask for a speedy recovery.

    We need a Biden/Harris ticket for the Democrats in November to run against Trump/Vance, no one else will do.

  4. My takeaway? Michelle Obama gave her FINAL “No!” on the subject. So it would have to be Kama-Rama-lama-ding-dong

  5. I haven’t watched a Democrat Convention since when Mondale ran against Reagan. This one I’ll watch, but not for the reasons you think. If you have paid attention to the efforts made out of the White House, and the executive actions that spread the money out to various factions, then you have seen how absolutely radical these actions have been. It’s because the “advisors” to the president in the inner circle have been padding their pet projects reflective of their own interests and Biden has been too obtuse to recognize this. The convention is going to be no different. Predominately, the lead candidate (Biden) sets the agenda for the convention. So, that means his inner circle is going to setting up the program. It’s going to be a cringe fest.

    It’s going to be glorious.

    1. Good luck to the Dims getting the Teamsters Union president to speak at their convention.

      Eh… with the DEI crowd, the Alphabet wing of the party, the BLM scammers, and the communists of varying degrees all getting their rants in, there probably won’t be a 10-minute slot available that they could give to the Teamsters.

      You’re right, Orson. The “We’re the Biggest Victim” contest will be one for the ages. I’m watching this one.

  6. It must mean that the DNC is confident that they can succeed in their next attempt.
    That’s why they are keeping the head of the Secret Service instead of firing her.

  7. Touchy.. As soon as Joe gets put into a home.. Questions will arise on who really won the last election.. Around and around we go..

  8. As much as, like the rest of you, I want Brandon to stay on, I still think he’ll be pushed out, if not this coming week, definitely before the convention.
    And here’s hoping I’m wrong.

  9. Can’t believe an opinion piece on CTV dishing Trump! Absolute garbage!
    No name — who wrote it!

  10. Biden’s Poll Numbers: a week after the epic disaster of a debate, when the whole world saw just how mentally fried Biden is … and after he had successfully resisted the outcry’s for his resignation… the polls curiously revealed that the race was still a dead heat. Trump hadn’t gained any ground whatsoever.

    Then … another week later, after Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and even the black Jesuz himself had publicly demanded Biden drop out of the race … suddenly the Poll numbers showed Trump with a massive single digit lead … 5 – 8% ahead of Biden in ALL the swing States and the popular vote. Because they want him OUT. It’s almost as if the pollsters are taking their cues from the Democrat leadership? Nahhh … that’d never happen. The polls are all scientific and whatnot. They’re all non-partisan polls … Right? Jesuz Puhleeze

    1. Anytime you see a poll, and especially any political poll, always remember to repeat this to yourself.

      “Polls are conducted to shape opinion, not to reflect opinion.”

  11. Joe Biden’s grandpappy’s dog told him under the kitchen table down home in Scranton that he had to keep running or Cornpop would catch up to him! Democrats believe!

  12. Joe’s on the job wisdom he’s gained from decades in office coupled with his high IQ and human compassion are enough for him to win.
    You got this Joe.
    Don’t let them push you around.
