56 Replies to “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

  1. “I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”

    Is the point of this series that we should all revert to life as it was in the 19th century? 12th century?

    Can’t tell if people here are opposed to ALL technology, or just critical of certain aspects.

    If you’re going to have a global economy dependent on computers, you’re going to have the occasional problem like the outage today.

    Just like the 12th century farmer had occasional mule-related outages.

    1. There is a lot of room between “no technology” and “have everything so interlinked that a bad automatic update can shut the whole Windows world down”.

      1. Precisely.

        The Monkey in the Wrench is AI, (and to me, THAT is inherently EVIL.
        A tool which shall be used to Enslave us all…
        Mark my words..

        1. je suis d’accord aka l totally agree, this from a 25 yr background in IT, a BSc computer science and a slew of correct hunches about whats to come. good, bad and indifferent.
          the root problem is hoomahn nature, we are driven by greed, vindictiveness, selfishness including malignant narcissism.
          all bad stuff, all pops up in catastrophe and suffering.
          because some of us are wired that way. aaaaaand who’s to say we arent going to get an entire generation of entitled attention getters?

        2. AI will only serve to further blur the difference between reality and illusion. Imagine all those who told you that Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation, and that COVID came from a rabid pangolin … are now in charge of all information.

          Yeah … we will soon be living a Terminator future … living underground to avoid marauding machines killing the inferior humans

        3. AI is no more inherently evil than, say, nuclear weaponry, guns, whatever.
          AI is very, very useful, and not all of it is left-leaning.
          Look into the Tusk Search, etc.

      2. Exactly. Domination of critical infrastructure by a single provider is an obvious problem.

      1. Y2K was silly. This isn’t. Not all things are comparable … no matter how clever one believes themself to be.

        1. But this was inevitable.

          I worked with a couple of young top-notch Computer Engineers about a decade ago who were boasting about the Cloud. I was just an electronic tech, but much older and they really were top-notch from what I could tell.

          When I made the statement that “the cloud” was just someone else’s computer and that it was just turning our computers into dumb terminals back to the days of 360 and 370 IBM mainframes, they laughed at that saying “the cloud was so much more”, but would not explain what that “so much more” was.

          So I try to make light at all situations that do not involve the loss of life or injury (unless those killed are terrorists) even when it involves me.

          It reminds me of someone else I know who presently prefers to do business with China, and has patents there and is spending a lot of money to get some products produced. I wish him luck, but I believe it is inevitable that if his product does well, since even the shipping is being done out of mainland China and they will see who his customers are, they will ignore his Chinese patents and just squeeze him out of his own designs. It might be tomorrow, it might be in 6 months or a year, but I think it is inevitable, I just don’t know when it will happen.

          1. As a high end two-channel audiophile enthusiast … I have watched the ChiComs reverse engineer every one of the TOP … high end amplifiers, DAC’s, and Audio Streamers … and even $10,000.00 phono cartridges … and clone them all … for CHEAP. Fractiins of what that OEM equipment costs. And the sad part … it ain’t half bad. In fact it’s really good.

            It’s what they do. Steal it, and sell it back to us at a discount

      1. Pedro wouldn’t have kept his mule in a barn halfway around the world and paid every time he wanted to use it.

        Computers are great but the cloud seems like a disaster waiting to happen.


    2. Perhaps if the systems weren’t built with the grossly inferior Microsoft Windows/Dos that have a reputation for corrupted files and crashes Things would work better … and be more stable.

      Apple is based in Unix and is superior to the windows machines. The goverment and military also us Unix as far a I am aware.

      I have used both .. Unix is better … by far.

      Bill Gates is a plague on tech, farmers, medical vaccines and who knows what else. He is evil.

      1. Ah yes, here comes the usual “I don’t know anything about computers but Windows sucks” BS.

        First of all, the problem wasn’t Windows. Linux also has dynamically loadable kernel modules, and it doesn’t matter how macOS is built because there are no macOS servers.

        The government and military absolutely use Windows. Windows NT 4.0 was certified C2-level secure because the DoD specifically requested it.

        The problem here was, as it always is, human error. CrowdStrike pushed out an update to their software that bricked any Windows system it was installed on. The human error is that apparently every critical industry’s IT departments are staffed by morons who don’t test all updates in an isolated sandbox environment before rolling them out to production servers.

    3. Certain aspects…

      For example, Crowdstrike “anti-malware” malware is what’s responsible today’s disaster. I’m also not a fan of government mandated “technologies” such as the 100+ year old technologies of Electric Vehicles, Solar Power and Wind Turbines.

      1. The first patent for an ICE car is from 1886, 138 years ago.
        The first commercially available Li-ion battery was made available in 1991.
        The first photvoltaic cell dates from 1839.

        Yes, EVs are dumb, but saying “because they’re old technology” is pretty dumb too.
        Very often, if old tech is still in use, its because it works.

    4. Back in the 1860’s there was an Electro Magnetic Pulse from the Sun, but not much was affected as there were not even electric lights, just whale oil or kerosene lamps and for transportation there were horses and carriages. Trains ran on wood being burned to create steam.

      If there was an EMP today, the developed world would shut down (perhaps not Haiti or some countries in Africa).

      1. Everyone loves a good doomsday story. We had solar storms this year. Ended up being a whole lotta nothin.

          1. What electronics got fried? “Minor disruptions” is all I can find. Kinda like y2k.

            The media would love to see the end of the world but it just won’t cooperate.

      2. I remember that! 🙂

        It fried lots of telegraph wires and equipment back in 1859.

        Trains used coal as I seem to remember, but my memory isn’t as sharp as it was back then. I can’t seem to remember Joe Biden being around, though.

        If an EMP happened today, I can imagine seeing all the phone zombies walking and tapping on their dead smartphones trying to figure out the directions to walk four blocks. Yes, I realize how devastating that would be and that it would lead to death on a scale we cannot fathom.

        I am still surprised, but no longer shocked, when some athletic young person questions why I would walk a mile (1.6km) and thinks that is a very long walk that necessitates a vehicle.

    5. You may have nailed it. Various estimates of the world population in 1200-1250 AD have been given to be around 400 million. That is in the vicinity of the 95% population reduction that globalist elites are envisioning. So yeah, a few well timed software glitches, er ah, updates affecting critical infrastructure and aiviation resulting in “unforeseen” large scale fatalities could be a start towards that “vision”. Remember, most of us are the carbon that they want to replace.

  2. I have always avoided Windows 365, and all other cloud operations as much as possible. Folly to put private stuff you want secure on the internet. Jf you have engineering or financial data, or any data essential to the operation of your organization, keep it on a speerate network NOT connected to the internet.

        1. The cloud is just someone else’s computer. And I’m waiting for it to bite our company in the a$$.

    1. As someone once pointed out, The Cloud is just someone else’s hard drive.

      Also, Ticketmaster has finally notified customers of a “security incident” that took place between April and May this year. They’ve offered certain customers one year of free credit monitoring.

      Can’t wait for a global, digital currency.

      1. The global digital currency minder has detected your posts on an EXTREME right wing blog in Canada. Your money has disappeared. The global government will feed you at the reeducation camp. Please go with the police officers who arrive to transport you.

    2. again totally agree. backup the backup but keep it AWAY from the ‘net’.
      there are a slew of backup utilities, they do it autmatically, maybe do a test ‘recovery’ on a clean separate system to test the backup, then wipe it out when successful.

      in 25 years l only got stuck ONCE without adequate backup. and learned from it.

  3. Al-Qaeda doesn’t need bombs or guns to destroy the West. All it needs is a nerd that wants to show the jocks who’s the boss.

  4. Maybe Crowdstrike was doing a test run for November 5th? Jon Herald over at Badlands has done a number of digs on Crowdstrike a couple of years ago, worth checking out.

    1. I seem to recall Crowdstrike involved in some election year frivolity in the past. Is this another lightning storm about to strike again? (Yes that was a lame attempt at humour)

  5. Outage also affected the self-checkouts at my local Sobey’s store. Regular cashes are working albeit slowly.

      1. Dont really have a choice.

        Self checkout or wait an hour in line behind full carts for the one open human cashier using the same pos software as the self checkout.

        1. The self checkouts were out this morning at Home Depot in BC. They said there was a glitch and were waiting for the computers to restart. Regular cash registers were working.

      2. Bunny is right; sometimes you don’t have a choice. Let me guess, you’ve never used an ATM and you always go to the full-service gas station and don’t get out of your car to pay the attendant.

        1. Hey, I’m still trying to find the elevator attendant at the downtown Simpson’s store, I can’t find!

          But I am glad that they got rid of that noisy scary wooden escalator at the Eaton’s store entrance at Albert Street, that seems to have been replaced by the Eaton Centre that has no Eaton’s store!

          1. Yeah, baby! Party like it’s 1899!

            I hear ya, Reader. Times have changed. But do we really want jihadi elevator operators who long for martyrdom? “Aloha Snackbar! Going DOWN, infidels!”

  6. Remember when critical systems all ran UNIX variants?

    Pepperidge Farm remembers.

  7. Because the youngsters fresh from college are experts in all gender/eco/woke/Marxist crap. Not in real issues.
    Secret Service expertise level in IT.
    They should slap Microsoft with a big invoice/$billions, maybe they will think twice next time when they push updates willy-nilly.

      1. Wasn’t that the same company that falsely claimed the Russians had hacked the Democrats servers?

  8. “it’s just a routine update, let the summer student handle it.” That’s what I’m betting on.

  9. We are helpless in the face of how things are done.. They know it and we are catching up quickly..
