The Sound Of Settled Science


We found an Excel file on the internet used for marketing

We did no quality control

We did not even check the data

But we did use it to develop a new approach to hurricane normalization

We arrived at results contrary to every other study

We published in PNAS

Science! ⬇️

16 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. ” … it is the result of a human-caused data error that is obvious and undeniable.”

    Obvious: old Piegan word meaning “invisible to Chiefs and their hemorrhoids.”

  2. “Peer-reviewed” means given to a busy grad student who doesn’t quite understand what he’s reading.

  3. I assume it was pushing the climate change agenda.. Pure politics and nobody in the room is going to use the “N Word” even if they are twerking in your face.. Science..

  4. IPCC: Why didn’t anyone think of this sooner?
    Everyone else: Because it’s not science!

  5. When only the science, that comes to a conclusion Biden or Trudeau want to hear, receives funding and government is just about the only entity that is funding scientific research for climate. Than scientific research in climate reflects the mental capacity of Biden or Trudeau instead of educated experts.

      1. “I’m old enough to remember when science wasn’t conducted in an echo chamber”

        Me too. I miss the days when a scientist or doctor would make a public announcement of some kind and I would not even question it.

  6. NEW RULE:
    Any research that doesn’t follow the scientific method cannot be called science!
    And any researcher that doesn’t follow the scientific method cannot be called a scientist!
    (This is actually an old rule. We just need to resurrect it and follow it to the letter!)

    1. “NEW RULE:
      Any research that doesn’t follow the scientific method cannot be called science!
      And any researcher that doesn’t follow the scientific method cannot be called a scientist!
      (This is actually an old rule. We just need to resurrect it and follow it to the letter!)”

      Absolutely. It should be actual law.

  7. Remember the Piltdown man?
    I used to drink ale with him. He was a lot of fun.
    Just feeling old and fraudulent.

    1. I worked as a Piltdown man, at Eddie Bauer. Lost the job, though. Couldn’t pilt worth a damn.
