18 Replies to “The Speech that Democrats are Very Scared Of”

  1. That would be a #3 maybe. As a Dem I would be most scared of the miss from Sat 6:11pm. And #2, the ticket Biden/Kamala.

  2. …a lot of “conservatives” are getting their panties in a bunch because if her, as well.

    1. Your racism is showing again, just like toilet paper stuck on your high heel.

      1. Nothing to do with race. Personally, I think having her speak was a good idea.
        What many so-called conservatives (like Matt Walsh) are all uptight about is the fact that she’s an OnlyFans model, ie an online prostitute.
        But hey, go ahead and scream racism at every opportunity like the rest of your ilk.

          1. YW, I agree with your take on Amber Rose here. She illustrates precisely the direction in which conservatism has to move if it is to defeat the Progs. And Matt Walsh is an idiot.

        1. yeahBUTT
          Prostitute is some one who charges cash for that which a wife pretends to do for free:-))))


        2. I saw Amber say she posts bikini pictures. That is not online prostitution, and is fine with me. Girls love to post fashion selfies. Good for her for monetizing it.

          Kudos to her for loving her dad enough to seek out the truth, and speaking out about the love for others she found in Trump and the Republicans.

          1. She was an OnlyFans model. Ie pornstar/online prostitute.
            I think she was the one who started the whole “slutwalk” thing, back in the day.
            The fact is, a given lifestyle choice does not preclude someone from wanting a small gov’t that is faithful to the Constitution.

  3. Never heard of her, and it was an okay speech all things considered. But if bald women with tattoos across their foreheads are our major cultural influencers, we are in a very different world from the one I grew up in.

    1. I struggle to take anybody with a face tattoo seriously. Couldn’t tell you what she even said, ’cause I couldn’t stop trying to read her forehead.

  4. Always take advice from people with a tattoo on their forehead, they show good judgment. Never heard of her and celebrity influencers are the most useless people on earth after activists. But I guess you have to court a certain demographics that actualy listen to these clowns, it’s politics. OTOH the convention yesterday had several credible and smart women make a pitch.

  5. Just curious … does Whoopi Goldberg have an onlyfans site? I can see her appealing to men who like floppy plus-size women

  6. Don’t know her and couldn’t listen to her.
    Does she have a tramp stamp as well?
    Maybe she’s got the original “Boner Garage” on her tum tum.
    People who make permanent decisions on their facial appearance (or ‘gender’ FFS) have no concept of reality and time.
    But I guess she may make a difference when retards vote.

    1. She is obviously more politically astute than you are.
      50%+ of the population are sub-100 IQ, and you would happily insult them because they’re a bit slow, just like you nonchalantly insulted 25 million people because they have different tastes than you do.
