9 Replies to “The Sum Of All Fears”

  1. “International lickspittle and tool.” Is there a better description of Christopher Steele?

  2. Was this posted as satire? What the H is Qannon? I don’t know who the Walter fellow is. Matt T. is a Con Inc. reporter that brought out all the Twitter File info that we already knew about 3 years prior. If you’re a normie, I guess the segment would seem pretty cutting edge. For those interested in the Q Posts, Stormy Patriot Joe at Badlands does a show twice a week on Rumble, he’s about as good as any if your into that stuff.

  3. Personally think the Donald went on a bit too long, saying he wanted to end strong, but kind of rambled from there.
    Without a script, for 90 minutes, standing tall, delighting and bemusing all the way. IOW not Biden.
    Now DeMarxists are desperately clutching collectivist straws of power at the moment, seeing their rule fade away.
    At this moment, it seems Biden Brand is still clutching its pearls of power, so this weekend will be interesting.
    Imho, if they don’t get him out by Monday, they won’t get him out at all. So we will all see.

    But, last night would have been a golden opportunity for 10% Big Guy Quid Pro Joe to decline to run again, to steal Trump’s and the RNC’s thunder, their sycophants instead reduced to ridiculous equivalencies of mental decline.

    1. “Personally think the Donald went on a bit too long, saying he wanted to end strong, but kind of rambled from there.
      Without a script, for 90 minutes, standing tall, delighting and bemusing all the way.”

      Yeah, the MSM delighted in showing pictures of some of the crowd falling asleep during his speech. Should have been 1 hour max.

    2. I’m wondering if Biden is to trip and fall this weekend in a horrific accident. If I were him I would drink bottled water only and sit in a secured locked room until Monday. It looks like there is a good chance of a palace coup this weekend and I bet that to make sure it is a double, they will try and blame it on a Trump supporter. Keep your eyes open this weekend as it looks to be interesting. Also I am worried about the Democrats starting a war and sending young boys to war. I’m not sending my son to die or be maimed for Trudeau or Biden.

  4. So who isn’t willing to cut Trump ALL the slack he wants for delivering an exhaustingly LONG speech? I, for one, am AMAZED that Trump is willing to take the stage … at all … without being sealed in a bulletproof cube. “They” (the Deep Intelligence State) want him DEAD … and he knows it. He knows “they” aren’t finished with their 6-ways to Sunday for eliminating him.

    So that makes his “Sum of All Fears” operatic crescendo ending all the more amazing. It’s a finger pointed straight into the eyeballs of the 5-eyes … that he is coming for them. And I’m with him. 100%.

    Note also that Walter pointed out there was little or no mention of “culture war” issues. Note that is the exact opposite of what candidate Ron DeSantis would have centered his speech around. Trump and his people know they need to attract voters who may or may not agree with all the Disneyesque Trans Queer nonsense. He is going to need every moderate.

    It reminds me of 2016 when Cruz won the IOWA caucus… and immediately thanked Jesus for his win. What a stupid, stupid, thing for him to do. THIS Christian is smart-enough to know that no politician can afford to wear Christ on his sleeve. Sorry, but too many people will read that wrong and exclusionary. What happened to Cruz after that idiotic statement? Yeah … it was ALL PDJT after that.

  5. It’s going to be interesting watching the Democrats extirpate themselves from the sea of shit they have created for themselves. The only person deeper in shit is the Diversity Hire USSS Boss.
