59 Replies to “Is Anyone Still Buying the Official Narrative?”

  1. Few people with IQs above room temperature are buying the USSS and Fan Belt Inspectors’ narrative of ‘mistakes were made’ and ‘incompetence’.

    Except for those who are in the “Too bad he missed crowd,” people are trying to find out who and how many were in on it. And there is a ton of skepticism that there was only one ‘lone wolf’ unassisted shooter.

    Many, many people are now of the mind that it will take extraordinary proof that there was ONLY one shooter. Too many things aren’t adding up.

    We can all be thankful that Al Gore invented the internet because the government and media can no longer completely control information as they once did in the good ol’ days of 3 networks and no cellphones.

    1. If it was just Crooks, he got that close because the security services made mistakes and were incompetent. If he was part of an inside job, the security services made mistakes and were incompetent.

      1. the assassination attempt was put together by Department of Homeland Security, they did not count on the shooter missing the target. The plot was simple ignore the shooter until the shot was taken then take him out, very similar to the Lee Harvey Oswald charade

  2. Remember what I said from the very beginning on that fateful Saturday evening:
    This is beyond incompetence. There is a level of malevolence involved here, and I suspect that eventually, it will be shown that the administrative state had something to do with it.
    I’ve also stated that Trump needs to engage his own private security service, and disregard the federal secret service. They can no longer be trusted to protect Trump.
    The investigation promised by Speaker Johnson will go no where. The entire incident will most likely get buried by the feds with yet another cover-up.

        1. SAS, maybe, but before them were the OSS. I knew a former OSS officer, Joe Holden. There weren’t many of them. One was Julia Child, who later became a TV chef. Joe told me she was the only person he and the other OSS officers were afraid of: “She’d as soon gut ya as look at ya.” She really liked knives.

  3. The first three shots sound different from the second group and the final shot.

    How many bullets did the secret service snipers fire? Just the final one?

    1. Later reports say that both SS and local snipers fired. SS snipers used silenced bolt action rifles, and probably fired only one shot.
      Don’t know what the locals used, but they may have used AR pattern rifles, in 5.56 or 7.62, which could account for the multiple shots and different sounds, unless proximity was the cause of that.

  4. Sorry, I don’t buy the “second shooter” nonsense. The bullet vapor trail photo clearly shows a downward angle of the bullet path. It will be quite easy to layout the vector of that shot … which looks to be from the slightly elevated rooftop.

    I’ll tell you what’s bugging me. Why haven’t we heard ANYTHING from the owner-operator of the glass factory!? Their buildings and facility were used to assassinate Donald Trump! I haven’t heard the name(s) of the owner or ownership group of this facility. Nothing. Nada. That bothers me. Are they hardcore leftists who are rabid Democrats? Are they getting massive “infrastructure” or military contracts from the government and HATE the idea of a Trump Presidency? Did they offer their facility to the Deep State actors? Why haven’t they come out and issued an apology to the American people that their facilities were used in this way. Why haven’t they spoken about the USSS advance planning for their facility. Have they been gagged by the government?

    Ron Johnson’s “investigation” … which will go the way of his “Biden corruption investigation” (i.e. NOWHERE) … best subpoena the ownership of the glass factory.

      1. If substantiated that would be an odd coincidence, considering Laura Loomer produced a BlackRock retirement investment video on X in which someone looking remarkably like the shooter had a cameo.

    1. we should also find out much the parents of the shooter were paid to sacrifice their son

      1. Careful. Talk like that cost Alex Jones $1.5 billion which is about $1.5 billion more than his net worth..

    2. I’ll tell you what’s bothering me.
      Once the threat was identified (reports say that officers on site identified the threat at least 20 minutes before shots were fired), why was Trump still allowed to take to the podium?
      Seems to this non-expert anyway, that the most logical response to a known threat would be to delay Trump from taking to the stage in the first place. You can’t argue “lack of resources” as an excuse to not do that one simple thing.
      No security agency, and in particular, the USSS, can be that incompetent!!!

      1. That the USSS hesitated at all when they saw someone with a gun on an adjacent rooftop near to someone they’re tasked with protecting, is well short of expectations.

        If I wanted to be shot dead by the USSS that’s what I’d do. I would expect to be shot dead, promptly.

        There’s no point at which “luck” would enter into the equation.

  5. “best subpoena the ownership of the glass factory.”
    Larry the joo Fink is rolling on the floor laffing at a dumb ass like you.
    Just like the school book depository, the damn thing was just sold, 4 months ago. The SBD was also bought by an acquaintance of the Bush clan, about 4 months prior to the “act”.

    1. It’s those Texans you have to watch. Look up all the big movie moguls, the media people, the computer people. Everywhere Texans. Their flag even has one star the symbol of how Texans are planning a one world government.

      That was sarcasm and GYM is [insert appropriate expletive.]

      1. Now, now… GYM is actually behaving himself…

        “Larry the joo Fink…”

        …Oh, never mind… [sigh]

      2. just -in Burch
        Yer old man should have went IN further, so maybe half wouldn’t have leaked out, and leave you short changed.

    1. https://www.newswire.com/news/indicor-announces-acquisition-of-agr-22261225

      Now what is interesting to me is that the DEI hired to head the SS Kimberly Cheatle worked for Pepsi Co … and the AGR Co. specializes in glass bottle strength research and patents. It’s almost as if Cheatle had some prior involvement/knowledge of this facility.

      And the multiple gun theory … shooting AT Trump … doesn’t convince me at all. Nobody can account for all 8 of those reported bullets. That was return fire.

      And no … the Hindu head of AGR hasn’t spoken a single word publicly …

      1. The CEO of the AGR (the glass factory from which Trump’s murder was attempted) appears to hail from Mumbai … The business will be led by AGR’s President, Sudha Jebadurai.

        And no … this woman has not spoken a single word in public about HER campus being used to murder Trump. Can she even speak English? Does she even live in the US?

        What connections does she have with the former director of Pepsi security? Has Cheatle ever had a connection to this glass Pepsi-bottle research facility?

        1. India is worth looking at when it comes to plots for world domination.

          Everyone’s worried about China…
          India has more people, growing faster. Enormous muslim population. Building ballistic missile submarines…

  6. Never mind what everyone saw, let’s analyse the minutia of people’s thoughts. Run around in ever decreasing circles until we all disappear.

    1. Aye. Theories are entertaining stuff. Funny that there is always a progression from plausible to improbable to fantastic.

  7. Will They try again?
    Will They also off Biden just to be “fair”?
    And then what?

    1. @Buddy – “Will They try again?”

      Their choices are:

      1. Allow Trump to win, loose everything including possible indictments and swamp draining.
      2. Cheat beyond a reasonable doubt and risk civil unrest or possible civil war.
      3. Succeed in assassination and assure civil war.

      I believe the elites self preservation will never allow them to let Trump win, this will simply boil down to risking civil unrest with the potential of civil war over assured civil war.

      The easiest path for them would be assassination, but first they would need to convince the population that it was conducted by a foreign State actor. They seem by all accounts to be working on those details currently, possibly as plan B.

  8. It seems that the line of sight from the open window above and to Crook’s right hand side better matches the Trump ear shot trajectory.

  9. Candace Owens is a HAMAS supporter. She has 100% accepted and promoted the whole HAMAS “genocide” “38,000 innocent Palestinian children murdered by the IDF” “Palestinians are starving in Gaza” narrative. She has also repeated Jew hate tropes about Jewish bankers ect. Since she’s obviously smart cookie, the only explanation for her support of the HAMAS narrative is she is a Jew hater. I could care less what any Jew hater has to say. That goes for Tucker Carlson too.

    1. Tucker Carlson went into Bethlehem and interviewed a priest there and asked him about how Christians are treated. That priest lived under the Palestinian Authority. Anyone who bad mouths them ends up severely punished or dead. Naturally, the priest spewed on and one about how horrible the Israelis are to Christians. If he didn’t say that he’d have to answer to the Palestinian Authority and HAMAS. Now a balanced report would have meant a trip into Israel to talk to displaced Christian Palestinians now living in Israel and why they left Bethlehem and what had been going on. Maybe also a trip to Egypt to ask about the Coptic Christians and how they are treated. But no, Tucker didn’t do that.

    2. Candace Owens recently tweeted the fact that there is an Arab quarter in Jerusalem is proof of Israeli apartheid. How ignorant can you get?

      1. Well now… That’s a stretch. Accusing someone who recently converted to Catholicism of antisemitism.
        I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to back up your claims, and in particular, your references to Tucker.

        1. Anyone who repeats the HAMAS narrative uncritically is a HAMAS supporter or a total ignoramus. Owens also said the fact the Jerusalem has an Arab quarter is proof Israel is an apartheid state. Owens is no ignoramus. Tucker is also towing the narrative for the Palestinians. He interviewed a priest in Bethlehem living under threat of HAMAS for an opinion on how Christians are treated in the middle east. You really think someone living in HAMAS controlled territory is going to say what life for Christians is really like? How to end up dead fast. If Tucker wanted balance he would have interviewed a Christian living in Israel as well (preferably one of he many who fled from life under HAMAS) and maybe some Coptic Christians in Egypt and some Christians living in Pakistan. But no, Tucker only interviewed a priest in Bethlehem and spread the lie Israel is an apartheid state that oppresses Christians.

        2. And I am not alone in my opinion. Amir Tsarfati an Israeli CHRISTIAN has posted about the Jew hate from Owens and Tucker more than once. Owens is right out there. Tucker is a little more subtle.

          There is a widespread narrative growing all over the place that it’s all the fault of Jews. Youtube has a video on about BlackRocks JEW Ceo and the antisemitic comments here, on youtube, basically everywhere at levels I’ve never seen before indicate someone needs to divert attention from something and targetting Jews is the oldest and best scape goat game going.

  10. When Trump wins and drags the down ballot support behind him, taking both Senate and House, he can stay above the fray and let loose the dogs of war on all these evil bastards.

    1. I don’t think so. JD Vance is a uniparty invention with deep ties to the deep state just like Obama. Trump will be kept busy for a time, get some convenient illness and Vance will take over. HIllybilly? He didn’t even live in the Appalachians.

    2. Trump and Vance are going to have to win in a massive landslide so that any attempt to rig the vote counting to show that Biden won will instantly be recognized as not being credible.
      It’s inconceivable to me that Biden actually garnered 81 million votes in 2020, but the fraud was credible, because of the close vote. Now if Trump wins in a landslide, they’re going to have to convince us that Biden “won” by getting more than a hundred million votes, which would undoubtedly expose the fraud.
      If Trump doesn’t get at least 100 million votes, you can bet that they will be working to steal the ’24 election.

      1. …That’s assuming that there’s even an election in November! Don’t put it past these communist/marxists to cancel the election and invoke martial law due to some external event (like… you know… the outbreak of WWIII).
        These minions of Satan will do anything to hold on to power. We’ve seen what they’re capable of already. They’ve lost their moral compass. NOTHING will stop them from pulling every dirty trick in the book.

        1. Indeed. If you give a bit of serious thought to just how deep and pervasive Evil is rooted in every mechanism of “the state”, you’ll keep your victory cheers for later.

  11. Unfortunately, that sounds likely.
    Ryan and McConnell were the price Trump paid last time, and it looks like Vance is the price this time.
    Like everyone else, I will have to wait and see.
    First, whether Trump lives.
    Second, whether there is an election, and Trump wins.
    Third, whether he becomes President, or something worse happens.
    I can’t do much more than live my life, prepare as well as I can, and work the campaign and the election.

    1. Amen. Preparing myself and my family. Between the rapidly rising levels of overt antisemitism, an economic crash, the threat of another pandemic, the fairy in charge of Canada… We have a lot of worry about.

  12. The question that has been rolling around in my head is: Is there anyone in Trump’s circle of friends, family etc who noticed how bad the security was for this event? One lady who sells Trump merch said she noticed that the normal precautions were not taken. She said she noticed it the night before the event and it became more obvious as the day progressed. So that being the case…. If I were as observant as the pedlar and was in the confidence of Trump I would have told him that something was up. Kind of an Ides of March thing.

    1. I’ve had the same question. The other question I have … and don’t get me wrong, I’m a massive Trump fan … but did the SS hesitate to interrupt Trump’s speech because they were afraid of his reaction. Along the lines of “interrupting Trump” on a false alarm could cost them their jobs (and bloated government pensions)? Nobody wants to interrupt Trump because of his strong personality?

      Don’t get me wrong … that reaction = dereliction of duty. Any fear of Trump’s personality is not an excuse for shirking your primary responsibility … but did that fear cause the hesitation?

      1. @Kenji

        Doubtful Trumps “strong personality” prevented him from listening to security experts, especially when it’s not only his safety but his crowd of supporters at risk.

        All accounts of people who have worked for Trump state that he listens to the “little guy” for advice on everything.

  13. The FBI has already stated without investigation that there was not a “second shooter”… so you pretty much know there was a second shooter.
    Who is going to believe anything those corrupt assholes have to say…?

    Obvious inside job.

  14. There was one person murdered and at least two persons seriously injured in this incident. Every single GOVERNMENT security team member on-site should be charged with a single count of MURDER and multiple counts of ATTEMPED MURDER. Every one in the chain of management above them should be charged as being accessories to Murder and ATTEMPTED MURDER. Same for CNN, MSNBC and NYT news staffs. Put them all in GITMO solitary. The singing will begin shortly!
