Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa

Spencer Fernando;

Justin Trudeau’s ongoing refusal to list the Iranian-regime-controlled Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corp as a terrorist organization looks more and more sinister by the day, especially as anti-Semitic, anti-Canadian, anti-Western propaganda is being spread within our nation and our own Citizens are being threatened by the Iranian regime:

25 Replies to “Our Chinese-Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. Remember those cargo plane loads of cash that Obama flew to Iran? Perhaps Justin can’t convince the ChiComs to finance all his debt … and is looking for a pallet or two of cash from Iran to make up the difference?

    Well Canadians … enjoy your belt and roads … and Islamic terrorism.

    1. Justin and the Liberals have no concern about the debt as they really do believe in Modern Monetary Theory. Besides they seem see it as our problem and their gain.

      I can can tell you firsthand that the Minister of Justice (who rented a house with Justin and Gerald Butts when they went to McGill) believes in it and says that only crackpots think it will lead to a Weimar Germany situation. Of course he also believes in anthropogenic Global Warming™ and that those who speak against it, even in private conversations, should be silenced as I know firsthand.

  2. Heh…Iranians threatening Canadians? I could be so lucky to give one of them a FAAFO moment. Must be just threatening those new Canadians I keep hearing about.

  3. but they want him!!!
    they who him who?

    answer those 2 Qs first, then answer the primary Q and GET BACK TO US RIGHT AWAY BECAUSE THE ONLY EXPLANATION I HAVE IS THE TURDEAU NAME

  4. Israel just blew the snot out of a Yemini port. Time to pick a side you little prick.

    1. “The continuation of violenth ith thimply unacthepable. The Government of Canada hath alwayth thtandth for peaceful retholuthionth…unleth your a peathful trucker.”

  5. I don’t think the average American even knows where Canada is , but I must say Kenji has his shit together when it comes to situational awareness. Canadians by and large are driven by a social left wing bias that can only be described as mushrooms living in darkness and being fed shit .

    1. Let’s recall that brother Alexandre Trudeau, back in 2012, wrote and produced a three-part documentary, called The New Great Game, that was shown on successive nights on the CBC National:

      According to the above-linked article, the second installment of Alexandre’s documentary supported Iran in its quest for nuclear weapons, claiming that the weapons would be used for defensive purposes only. This article states that this documentary was co-produced by Iran’s Press TV, the propaganda arm for the despotic country. Alexandre advised brothher Justin before he became prime minister, and one would assume he shares Alexandre’s support for Iran znd his hatred for Israel.

      1. There’s also the fact that turdo la doo – like turdo la first – is a coward. Jews don’t scare him, but angry muzzie-wugs do.

  6. Let’s be clear. You are Subjects of the Crown. You are not, never have been, nor ever will be Citizens. Why does everyone always fail Canadian civics?

    1. One can be both John Q. We are a constitutional monarchy and a parliamentary democracy by choice. Not everyone fails to understand this as you appear to do.

  7. The Chinese believe that they’re the master race with a mandate to rule the world.

    As far as they’re concerned, the Jews are in the way.

    The Chinese installed Justin for a reason.

  8. PM Backstabber seems to situate his pimpled arse at every funeral/memorial that might get him a vote.
    Hell keeps making Juthtin’s own special circle that much more worse.

  9. He’s just dancing with the one who brung him. Lotsa donations at risk from a protected group should Skippy actually take a moral stand.

    1. You are so cynical!

      Justin Trudeau Chinese fundraisers: Rich Chinese lobbying prime minister for $1,500 a head – TomoNews

      Shortly after Pierre visited Communist China he announced Canada was bringing in Official Multiculturalism something he never spoke of during his election and something Canadians never asked for, as well as major changes to who could come into Canada to reduce the number of people from Europe, USA and Australia.

      Shortly after getting to know the Aga Khan, Pierre opened our doors to Ismaili “refugees”.

      1. Pierre and a considerable number of other Liberals are Maoists. That includes Chretien, Alan Rock and one of the authors of the climate change fraud that enriches one country and one country only and that is China. Frankly, I wouldn’t be terribly concerned if the Three Gorges Dam collapsed.

        1. There’s lots of scuttlebutt on YouTube suggesting that the Three Gorges Dam is in rough shape. I might add that YouTube is showing lots of anger and dissent in communist China, and that the economy there is not doing well. What bothers me is that none of the negative news seems to make it to our corporate media. Outside of a few dry analytic pieces in the business news section, the establishment media has been silent.

  10. The sheer volume of open antisemitism in Canada these days is utterly astonishing to me. It’s spread faster than fear of COVID and affects the mind of people I used to think were sane, even within my own community. And it’s even acceptable in polite society now. I wonder how many Jews are already making plans to leave this third world sh*t hole.

    1. The speed with which open anti-semitism has spread through otherwise sane conservative social media groups is deeply disturbing. I see stuff posted regularly that would not be out of place in a German newspaper c. 1939.

  11. National socialists in our NDP/Liberal Party are the same as they were a hundred years ago, they believe themselves to be morally superior to you and will side with anyone who hates you.

    Jews they consider ‘uppity’ due to their success in politics and business, so national socialists want to take them down, their hatred is extreme for anyone they consider better than themselves.

  12. Well it seems to me, the entire Liberal Party are in fact “National Socialists”.
    When you see said Leader PERSONALLY inviting a surviving Waffen SS Pig into the HOC, THAT should be a clear sign of what I state above. Add in his commentary re: those of us who declined to imbibe in a de-facto Bio-Weapon…it should be painfully obvious.

    As one who’s Father spent and survived 4.3 yrs in Buchenwald, and due to that fact, spurred me on to learn as much as I could of those times, I have no reservations in calling them (LIBERALS), all NAZI’s. Everything that that this NAZI govt has done in the past 9 yrs is all geared to our coming ELIMINATION. In the mid to late 1940’s, it was Zyklon B. Today..?? A never ending # of supposed “Pandemics” to be treated with Mr. Gates faux Vaccines.

    The Reason..?? Supposed man made CLIMATE CHANGE – & yes, WE are the Carbon they wish to Eliminate.
