12 Replies to “Tales From The Shady Acres Nursing Home”

  1. The democrats can be divided into two camps.
    Those that are in denial about Biden.
    Those that are not but can’t explain why he should remain as president if it’s true.

    1. Okay. But I was going to go with power-crazed crooks and useful idiots.

      1. They’re not mutually exclusive, if you think about it. Perhaps subordinate, but there’s lots of room in that psych ward.

  2. That’s it Joe. Stick with it! Don’t let those anti-democracy republicans like Nancy Pelosi who tried to assassinate your son, Hunter distract you from the talk to the President of the Ukraine, Hugo Chavez, talked to him last week and grew the economy and your allies like North Korea depend on you for another term, to keep the world safe from Israel and their Ayatollah and their electric vehicles to stop changing the oil and the climate New Paragraph . . .

  3. “Let me sniff you.”
    That’s why he’s mean to his dogs; he’s jealous they can sniff better and more often.

  4. He’s too obviously unfit for the cheating the left is still going to commit to be believable this time.
    That’s why they want to oust him.
    Their cheating operation is still in play, and people might be persuaded to believe it if Kamala “wins” with mysterious votes “found” at 3:00 AM after they shut down the voting in several key districts again earlier in the evening.
    But they can’t pull it off with Biden, not anymore. They know it. No one will believe it this time.
    You KNOW we’re gonna be saying this if he doesn’t step down: “Biden didn’t kill himself” or “Biden didn’t die from ‘natural causes.’ ” The left is cold and brutal and murderous to even their own apparatchiks.

  5. The Dem’s are devoted to the freaks, geeks, queers, weirdos, and the handicapable. They devote $Billions in “infrastructure” Bills to rebuild handicapable curb cuts from 1:20 slopes to 1:24 slopes. Hence the Dem’s LOVE their handicapable POTUS. He can even navigate ramp slopes that the USSS refuse to tread on! Goooooo Joe!

  6. Hunter Biden for President

    Hunter is:
    – an eastern European oil executive
    – a Chinese financier
    – a North African land development manager
    – and a world class painter

    And he’s done all of this while high on cocaine, banging hookers.

    Is that not a Presidential resume?
