23 Replies to “Competing Narratives”

    1. On her back with legs up in the air. What a skank to get into the history book as first “female” POTUS as dementia Joe’s default. Sorry for the crudeness but it’s there for all to see if you want to.


  1. Willie Brown has said, “Geez, yeah I tapped that, but I ain’t dumb enuff to vote for her.”

    1. Meanwhile Xi, Vlad, and a shit ton of Mullahs and 50 million refugees are going “Woohoo!”

  2. I could use a reminder: wasn’t Kamala Harris funding bail for rioters where she’s from?
    If so, that can’t be a good thing to be associated with.

    1. While she was AG, she held prisoners after the end of their sentences, in order for the state to get more money.

    2. I believe what you are recalling is that she contributed to bail funds for BLM rioters who did about $2 Billion in damages to American cities in 2020. Amazing record for a former state attorney general.

  3. Regardless of whether it’s Biden or Harris, the Republicans will still have to be super vigilant on Democrat election tricks.
    They’re getting desperate.

  4. Any opinions yet as to why Joe’s letter of suspending his campaign isn’t on White House letterhead?

    Raheem Kassam from “The Daily Pulse” said on Insta that it’s because Joe wasn’t informed that he was suspending the campaign …

  5. “… 14 million Americans blah blah f*#$ing blah”

    More pearl clutching about democracy among dhimiCrats. Spare me. They got rid off him when to become clear that he is a vegetable. People who supported him did not know the extent of his vegetative state and most are probably relieved to see him go. How they will go about nominating his replacement is another story.

  6. Trump on Harris.
    // “I call her Laffin’ Kamala. You ever watch her laugh? She’s crazy.
    You can tell a lot by a laugh… She’s nuts,”
    Trump said in his first rally since becoming his party’s standard-bearer.//

    I’m not sure that I have ever heard Trump laugh. “You can tell a lot…”

    Anyway, here’s some Harris laughter & a little story:
    a Trump endorsement: https://imgur.com/a/4GQh7yn

    1. Well she does screech like a demented donkey being castrated without an anesthetic.

  7. Harris.. At least out of the gate has to be Bidens replacement.. Anything less would be a insult.. Dementia Joe was insult to injury.. The democrats have bigger problems than Mr. diaper pants.. Energy, border and inflation to name a few.. Good luck with that..

  8. Speaker Mike Johnson nailed what’s happening! “ The Party of Democracy has proven the exact opposite “!
    The same as Canada’s Liberals!
