71 Replies to “July 21, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. roaddog – good link. The secret service guy made a one in a million shot and the local police sniper fired and missed. Sounds about right to me. The secret service management may have made logistical errors or worse, but their sniper was a trained professional.

    1. No way. Too old. She was already looking tired last time. Close ups of her face bring to mind the smell of hospitals and death.

      They’ll go with an up and coming young puppet who speaks smoothly over the crafty old witch.

      1. I agree. Too old and frail. They can’t afford to run the president out of town for being too old and demented and replace him with a woman sporting just as many health issues not the least is unpredictable seizures. One episode and they’d be screwed.

        No, if they do replace him it will be someone relatively young and vibrant. Harris is going to get railroaded by the powers that be in the Democrat party. She won’t even see it coming. I’m still thinking they will throw Josh Shapiro into the ring. The most beneficial thing about him is that no one really knows who he is (even in Pennsylvania where he’s the sitting governor). They need someone young, vibrant, arguably competent….and resident in an important state.

        1. I disagree, but only with your view of Kamala Harris. The billionaire Democrat power brokers will give Harris a red-carpet treatment, and instruct the corporate media and the big-tech oligarchs to create a Harris-mania, in time for the convention and the election campaign.

          The Democratic convention will be one happy love-in. Btw Harris fills all the woke boxes.

          1. I think there is something in Revelations that includes Hillary as one of the signs of the upcoming apocalypse. 🙂

            I wonder if their dream team would be Kamala and AOC, or perhaps Kamala and Ilhan to capture the jihadi vote, or maybe Kamala and Chelsea (Bowwow) Clinton?

        2. I disagree completely. At a time when the left was telling us that “old, white men” were the entirety of the problem with Western Society, at the height of the #metoo frenzy, they proffered sniffing pedo Joe Biden as their best candidate for the presidency. Expecting consistency and/or rationality from the left is simply naive.

          Deplorables: Time to get the band back together.

          1. Joe was run as a … moderate. A real swell guy. Tuns out he did everything his hardcore Global warmist, Globalist, woke, LGBTQueer handlers told him to. And Mitch McConnell endorsed the lot of it.

            Need to be rid of the Leftist Dem. Cabal

  1. Andrew Coyne: In his speech to the convention on Thursday evening, he even went so far as to say that he was running to be “president for all Americans” (right after declaring that America was bound together by a “single faith”).

    The discord and division in our society must be healed. We must heal it quickly. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together. Or we fall apart.
    — NYT transcript

    The discord and division in our society must be healed. As Americans, we are bound together by a single fate and a shared destiny. We rise together. Or we fall apart.
    — NBC NY transcript

    And also this, further giving the lie:

    Quote Tweet: Harmeet K. Dhillon @pnjaban Jul 19
    Thank you to all the people who understand the power of faith. It’s important that we continue growing the Republican Party and recognize everyone who shares our values and is proud to be an American has a place in our Party. It was an honor to share the Sikh prayer.

    David Pivtorak @piv4law
    Being the party of American values means just that: Welcoming all who share our values, regardless of faith or ethnicity. Those who claim otherwise are no different than the woke identitarians they claim to hate.



  2. Every day we see the results of “worshiping” multiple gods, none of which are God. Chaos and insanity seem to be the result.

    1. History is littered with idols and false Gods. Yet, here we are in 2024 … with all our sciency technocracy and we are ACTUALLY ADMIRING Aztecs who tossed small children into bottomless pits to their death.

  3. Today Climate Justin burns jet fuel to a secret location in B.C., for a wonderful vacation.

    1. Didn’t a liberal flunky say ” going on family holidays destroys the planet”

        1. While I despise Alec Baldwin…
          Weaponizing the courts to nail an outspoken political opponent is bullshit.

    1. In Toronto, the city’s Chief Officer of Health plus the Police Chief want an exemption from the criminal code, something BC got but is now reversing, to decriminalize all street drugs, but worse than BC’s move, Toronto wants no age limit (yes, minors couldn’t be arrested if they had heroin or cocaine for personal use).

    1. You might have included these two paragraphs from the report:

      Sikh activists say the Indian government tries to curtail the influence of Canadian Sikhs, who otherwise have had an outsize impact on Canada’s political system through elections and appointments to senior government positions.


      The Liberal Party — which has the loosest rules, allowing even foreigners living in Canada to become members and vote in nominations — did not make anyone available for an interview. A party spokesman, Parker Lund, said in a statement that “when it comes to nominations, the Liberal Party of Canada’s rules for electing a candidate are the most robust in Canadian politics.”

  4. ‘A huge shock’: Polar bear Baffin dies in pool at Calgary Zoo

    That’s what happens when you don’t put the bear on a vegan diet, and Calgary has quite a lot of vegans they could have been feeding to the bears.

      1. Perhaps Justin should do an election photo shoot in the enclosure with the remaining bear to cuddle with and show the world he is a friend to all nature?

    1. They built a $40 million enclosure for two MALE polar bears. Just another case of homosexual violence.

      1. They had polar bears in that zoo 40 years back. They were bored outta their minds, did the ol Biden shuffle-two step, before falling/landing in the pool. After it became public knowledge the bear(s) were not of sound mind, they got pulled.
        And here we are.

    1. Let them go out to sea in chaos. “All of the above” will fall short. If Kamala takes the spot, her dislike numbers are greater than anyone else in the Democrat Party, and if they chose someone else, the fundraising starts all over again. They’re hooped, may be the expression best used here…

      The matter of who is his replacement, is minor.
      and I’m not trying to be an asshole here, just saying “let them decide who will be their failure”
      I’d actually have preferred Joe Biden, but his replacement will have special problems.

      106 days to go…

    2. Ha! Screws Kamala too.
      Open convention of idiots.
      They have one hope. The puppeteers must step forward. I only see one possible candidate and nobody’s talking about her. So….
