Kiss Of Death

Ed Morrissey: Biden’s Revenge?

There’s no mystery why Pelosi and the establishment want a do-over rather than a succession. Harris had already become deeply unpopular with Americans long before this election cycle began. In fact, her favorables went underwater in mid-July 2021, a month before Biden’s inverted during the Afghanistan disgrace. That’s the last time any poll showed Harris’ favorability rating in anything other than negative numbers. That followed a series of embarrassing media interviews and personal appearances that exposed her as an intellectual and policy lightweight, which prompted Biden to shelve her until now.

one wonders if it was released before Biden could change his mind.

@alx Can anyone find another example of Joe Biden underlining his signature?

@lansingThe WH Chief of Staff called Cabinet officials to tell them, not Biden?

@TriciaTx84It tells you something when not only do they want the opposition candidate taken out but they want their own candidate out too. #Democrats

26 Replies to “Kiss Of Death”

  1. Who is running America?.. Obama and Hillary are.. Fortified election, most votes ever, back seat drivers.. Trump gets the axe.. Biden gets the knives.. The protectors of democracy.. Serving only themselves since 2016..

    1. TBF … they’re the smartest people in the political room (read: the most vicious and diabolical). They believe themselves to be better than you, and everyone else. What they say – goes. And most of all … by any means necessary … tear down the America they were brought up to HATE. The America that was a great place.

  2. What does it matter? Trump’s going to win, and by January 20, 2025, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Emhoff had better have found a country that will give them asylum, because if Doug and his Cushite harlot really think that Mama Israel has to take them in, they need to think again, for their own sakes.

    1. Do not assume victory for Trump. I want him to win, but there have been numerous records of vote stuffing and vote rigging from the last election. I think this presidential election is going to be very dirty indeed!

  3. There’s some speculation and rumblings that Biden is near death, if he isn’t dead already.
    I mean… announcing he’s stepping out of the race on “X”???
    Someone pointed out that this is how the old Soviet Union got rid of it’s leaders that was no longer useful.
    It’s fun to speculate, but after observing what people are saying doesn’t mean I’m going out on a limb to say that it’s so.
    I’m just saying don’t be surprise about anything that happens from here on out. We’re treading on unprecedented times here where anything can happen.

    1. “There’s some speculation and rumblings that Biden is near death, if he isn’t dead already.”

      Kamala will be president but for a very short time. Anyone who would vote for that moron is a moron. The only explanation for not hearing from Biden’s is he is incapable and maybe even unconscious. He ain’t goona make it.

      1. It’s worth remembering that liberalism is a mental disorder.

        She is also the DEI selection. In fact she’s an iconic DEI disaster.

  4. ‘America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today’


    This, I agree with this whole heartedly. The next president has the glorious position of being able to do EVERYTHING better than its current occupant. A retarded, vision impaired and deaf monkey could improve upon what Biden has done. It’s a dream job in that the current occupant set the bar below the floorboards. So anything and everything the next guy does will make them look like an absolute genius.

    1. bbbbrrrrr. l remember some of the girls in HIGH SCHOOL 5 times more eloquent than that describing the lunch menu.

  5. “Biden’s revenge?”

    Yeah, I can see that…but it’s not Joe’s revenge, it’s Jill’s

  6. Now Dems started with “oh Trump is too old”. But Kamala’s mental capacity is at 99 yrs old, just have a look at her famous ‘passage of time’ speech or re Ukraine.
    That ww2 veteran who had a speech at RNC was better then Kamala.

  7. Lots of entertainment ahead:
    1) Depending on the state, it may be illegal to run a candidate other than the one that won the primary (if Biden is still alive).
    2) Money cannot be legally transferred from Biden election campaign to another.
    3) Biden has to serve to the end of his term
    – If not, Kamala becomes the first woman president and no need to vote for her in November (compare with Kim Campbell).
    – If not, Mike Johnson (R House Speaker) becomes the next in line for president if anything happens to Kamala (impeachment?). Doubtful the Republican House would fast track a VP confirmation.

  8. Not an American. Just a confused Australian.

    Biden choose Kamala as his running mate.

    This term if he is no longer president, Kamala gets in.

    But what makes her the nominee for the Democrats for the next term besides her name being on the ticket and the money already gathered for Biden/Harris.

    Is she just the default because it’s all too late, ie only 4 months to go?

    1. Nothing automatically makes her the nominee. Biden’s delegates to the convention are now free to support other candidates. It remains to be seen what the power-players who manipulate the party in the background (ala the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz) decide. The biggest problem they have is that failing to nominate Kamala will alienate a lot of black women, and a lot of the DEI crowd; none of whom care the least bit about credentials or capability. Their lesser problem is that millions of people who voted for Biden in the primaries are being disenfranchised; not really a big issue, because the power players don’t care much about democracy, anyway.

      Your point about the funds already collected is a valid one. A former senator who spoke on Fox tonight claimed that if neither Harris nor Biden are on the ticket, then funds have to be returned to the donors. Obviously that would be a disaster, and not just logistically.

      1. We already saw this movie in 2020. Remember when the day before Super Tuesday, Biden was buried deep in the polls and the Primaries? He was DOA. Then, on Super Tuesday … deals were made … and then suddenly … out of nowhere … Biden was the “chosen” candidate as all others resigned.

        This is how the Dem’s operate … in darkness and in back rooms. Money changing hands, promises made. Yes, whatever the opposite of Democracy is called.

  9. If the Democrats ignore the state primaries and use a procedure other than election by chosen delegates, concerned “Democrats” should go to court in each state to keep the selected candidate off the ballot.

  10. The Democrats have a good strategy – running up to 3 different presidential candidates against Trump. The first one just collapsed. The second – Harris – won’t make it past the convention if she doesn’t poll well. And the third? Whoever the Dems think can beat Trump. The Democratic party is engineered to stay in power at all costs.

  11. Biden didn’t quit. This was a palace coup. His “letter” is not even on letterhead. WTF?

    The US is degenerating into a rural India shitshow.
