8 Replies to “Somber Reflection”

  1. Scott Adams raises several good points as always but his suggestion that the Secret Service was totally incompetent is off a bit. roaddog posted a good link in Readers Tips that quotes Fox News as saying the secret service anti-sniper sniper made a one in a million shot and the local police sniper fired and missed . The secret service management may have made logistical errors or worse, but their sniper was a trained professional.

    Sniper, no sniping.

  2. Iconic picture: The media is desperately trying to hide it because it helps Trump.

  3. Remember … Biden has repeated his old man story … often … that he wasn’t even going to run for POTUS … until … until … he heard Trump say “there were fine people on both sides”. Hence memorializing the LIE as the FIRST plank of his Presidency.

    If that LIE could launch Biden’s candidacy … his dementia-decrepit presidency … then of course it could launch an assassin’s bullets.

    1. Biden’s entire career and persona are based on lies. He’s a career narcissist with zero empathy. Every time a citizen mentions a challenge they have faced in their life, he turns the dialogue to a discussion of a grossly exaggerated story from his own life. Like that time his house almost burned down (and he almost lost his Corvette), which was actually a fire in his kitchen, which was actually a fire on the kitchen stove. Nothing that has happened to anyone else is of any consequence.

  4. The interview by AniaK “Through the Eyes of” , with Larry Johnson and Scott Ritter is excellent. Scott raised the issue about the attempted assassination , of which no one is discussing, regarding the fact there was a plan … how the shooter managed to get in place , with the implication that this was a planned assassination. As Scott stated a 150m shot is easy and should have succeeded but for chance Trump moved.

    AniaK thinks there was a second shooter , which Larry discounts , however if it was a planned operation would you leave the outcome to a mentally unstable “kid” who was such a poor shot he was kicked off the school rifle team? If it was a planned operation , the “kid” would be the fall-guy (dead telling no tales) and a primary shooter would take one shot from a distance he couldn’t miss , then the “kid” would start blasting away after the first shot.

    If you have further doubts about it being a planned operation list to Ray McGovern on “Dialogue Works” giving a history of just such events.

    Ray McGovern on the Failed Assassination of Donald Trump
