16 Replies to “The Glamour Of Air Travel”

  1. So is this a pilot cosplaying a drag queen or a drag queen cosplaying a pilot? And which is worse?

    1. The former is worse. Actual pilot, drag queen will be allowed to continue flying even if mentally unfit. Drag queen (or anyone else) impersonating a pilot would be easier to identify as not a pilot and easier to disqualify from employment in that job.

    2. I wouldn’t want a “Furry” cosplaying in full costume in my cockpit … so why would I want a Tranny playing dressup in the cockpit.

      Pardon my repeated use of cockpit, which is not the same as a tuck under.

  2. When a delusional freak, such as this Argentinian pilot, applies to fly for a Middle Eastern Airline his first flight would be off the roof of a tall building. That enures that pilots will remain in the gender assigned at birth and out of the cockpits of the world.

    That may sound harsh and uncaring … but these trans freaks are prone to suicide and murder. It would be best to not be there when that happens. They ARE mentally ill.

    1. Please delete this version of my comment ,. thanks … don’t know how that happened.

  3. When a delusional freak such as this Argentinian pilot applies to fly for a middle eastern airline his first flight would be off the roof of a tall building.

    That may sound harsh and uncaring … but these trans freaks are prone to suicide and murder. It would be best to not be there when that happens. They ARE mentally ill.

  4. The extremely high suicide rate among people like this is reason enough by itself to ensure that none of them ever be suffered to fly a commercial aircraft.

  5. Dude is probably a crappy pilot but has now insured himself against being fired.

  6. I regret that this comment contributes, even in an inestimably small way, to the attention this pathetic creature so desperately seeks.

  7. I abandoned air travel 8 years ago, and in hindsight that decision looks better and better.

  8. I love that one guy tried to get off the plane as soon as #PilotDude made the big reveal. Must have been scary as hell.
