20 Replies to “The Simulation Has a Sense of Humour”

  1. “I’ll have a double scoop of karma please. No wait, not karma, I meant caramel!”
    Joe Biden

  2. It’s a simulation.
    Who gonna beat Trump now with the most votes ever?
    Weekend at Barney’s!

  3. Perhaps it can be re-named Joe Biden Day to mark the occasion of the greatest service he ever did for his country.

  4. I have no doubt he struggles, even with that.
    Where’s the portable tele-prompter that tells Pedo Joe what his favorite flavor is?

  5. Both Warren Kinsella and Andrew Coyne are in full Trump Derangement Syphilis meltdowns on Twitter.
    I wonder if they caught it from a toilet seat?

  6. Joe is gone, nobody cares.. Floating Kamilla and nobody cares.. She can get all the democrat endorsements in the the world.. If she doesn’t poll well, she will be gone in two weeks..

    Open the doors to the funny farm..

  7. BTW, there is no connection between the failure of the Trump assassination and Biden withdrawing from the election.

    1. Two Presidential assassination attempts in less than 10 days!
      Trump survives, but Biden gets taken out.
      Strange times indeed.

  8. It will be interesting to see if there are forthcoming legal challenges to the 140 Executive Orders issued by a president clearly suffering from dementia. In addition, while there may not be a straightforward legal basis to indict Harris for concealing his mental dysfunction, she has certainly violated all reasonable ethical standards for a presidential candidate.

  9. That would need one to believe the Republicans have the stones and awareness to actually do as you suggest. Since 95% are uniparty swamp creatures, don’t count on it.

  10. Sam Brinton for Vice President! The Harris/Brinton ticket.

    Since the Dims no longer think the pResidency is necessary to running the country, we might as well be entertained.

    Oh wait… what if they both show up at the Inauguration wearing the same outfit? Can’t risk that now, can we?

  11. How ironic. The guy DeMarxists brought in to “Get Trump,” before and after 2020, gets got by Trump and his own party, Biden the one who’s first neutered then removed, carrying the can for the dystopic policies around race, abortion and climate change chicanery. Now they remake Kamala from the word salad do nothing lightweight she’s demonstrated herself to be.

  12. The Ongoing Withdrawal Problem.
    Biden’s withdrawal from the race for the presidency looks a lot like the withdrawal from Afghanistan.

    1. In most wars, the armies live off the fat of the land, but in Afghanistan they lived indefatigable.
