22 Replies to “Truth?”

    1. The ting I remember about The Bell Curve, written 20 years ago, was the warning at the end, that the high IQ elites would capture society to serve them, undemocraticalily.
      That the low IQ would be hurt the most .

  1. well SDA, where are you on the bell curve? ha ha ha !!!
    oh gawd l just love the man. lm 72 and NEVER said *that* about a billionarire before.

    including the fact l would always defend Howard Hughes whose legacy is this outfit
    https://www.hhmi.org/ funding research to help cure maladies.
    and inventing things like flush rivets on an airplane to increase all the good stuff.
    etc etc

    ps dear tax-tax-tax-the-rich lefdtoids need to know the *existence* of billionairs in an nation and economy is proof that it is thriving because each and every one of those billionaires HAS TO employ THOUSANDS. see? they dont get to keep it all.
    etc etc

    1. Ohhhhhhhhhhh mommaaaaaaaaaaaa … the Bell Curve. Haven’t our public school teachers ended that racist fallacy? That colonialist remnant? That little white boy, white supremacist means to exclude all the “creative minds” in peoples ov culller!


      PS … last tested my IQ was 135, which makes me smart-enough to not dare wear a MAGA hat in the SF Bay Area

      1. Heh. Never tested mine. I didn’t want to confirm what my teachers said. 🙂

    2. I’m in the 14% over 100. But I never liked Bell curves. As a statistician I know too much about the assumptions going into that thing.

      1. just in bunch
        Now tell were you think I land on the curve:-))))
        I feel lousy and need a good laff, which may help me feel better, so I can go visit my Jewish friend over seas.


    1. Or that democrats are nothing special. Is that why the thing in the middle is crying? Because they hate to be boring and average?

      I’ll admit, I’m not really sure what he’s getting at here.

        1. Looked at it again. I still don’t get it.
          You got cleeter the crack baby on the left and Asian unabomber on the right- both Trump supporters apparently. In the middle is woke mutant freak, benefiting from the curve. So what does it mean?

          1. Not sure. I just hope it doesn’t mean you and I might vote Democrat! 🙂

    1. Was hoping he’d stay in, as he’s damaging to not only his chances to win, but all those D’s “down ticket” too.

  2. Fond memory;
    My English teacher (an old biddy) calls my mom in for a parent~teacher ‘chat’…
    Teach; “So, Mrs. C., how do you control your son?’
    Mom; “I don’t.”
    Best mom ever!!! 🙂

  3. I’d love to sell cars to Democrats! Owned by a little old lady who only drove it to church on Sunday.
