Viva Frei Live

At 6pm EDT, Viva Frei has gone live. This is going to be EPIC!

Update: Robert Barnes just pointed out that we have not seen a video of Joe Biden stating that he is withdrawing as the Democrat Presidential candidate. He added that this is the way the Soviet Union used to take out their leaders.

25 Replies to “Viva Frei Live”

  1. Oh, please…
    Viva? Get ready for something in need of editing. Nice guy, but too much of a stream of consciousness attention seeking weird al kinda guy. Just sayin’

    1. I don’t think they’re going to tell him. They’ll just park him in his basement and tell him he was “re-elected”, give him some paperwork and icecream, and tell him he did a good job and answered all the questions.

  2. Viva Frei said “Everyone has gotten behind Kamala Harris, I even heard Willie Brown got behind Kamala Harris.”


  3. Oddly, his resignation wasn’t written on either White House letter head or POTUS letter head. Not sure myself of the meaning behind that… perhaps I am reading to much into it. Which is a big part of the overall problem. Wide open doors to uncertainty. Exceptionally un-presidential.

    1. Agreed, anyone except Biden could have typed up that document in a minute or two and inserted his ‘digital signature’

      I guarantee Joe Biden isn’t on a computer typing.

  4. You heard it here first folks. Joe Biden will be dead in the near term. His last challenge at the stairs was two steps at a time and a rest and he looked like dog shit. Dead man walking. The silly prick would have campaigned if he could. He can’t. He’s dead. He just hasn’t fallen over yet. Soon.

  5. “He added that this is the way the Soviet Union used to take out their leaders.”

    Spurious correlation. Captain Alzheimer is on his last legs and not necessarily cognizant that he is in fact a president. Someone needs to tell him “Joe, but you have resigned, remember? People need to hear from you.” “Oh yes.” he will reply, and promptly make an incoherent statement and sniff some kid’s hair on the way out. The next day he will wake up from his 10AM nap stretch and say to himself “It is good to be president”, then he will nap again. None of it has anything to do with how Soviet Union used to do anything.

    1. Did the soviets ever have a drugged up puppet as a figurehead while the country was really being run by a group of shadowy oligarchs?

      1. And Khrushchev liked ice cream so he was just like Captain Alzheimer, or something.

  6. Soon they will be airbrushing Biden out of photographs….with today’s technology it is a lot easier.

  7. Alright, I’ve already made two predictions:

    1. Biden will resign before the Nov. election
    2. Michelle will be the Dem. candidate for POTUS

    And now let me make a third prediction … By the Nov. election … Joe Biden will either be dead … or medically incarcerated in a dementia Rest Home … shuffling the halls and asking Hunter repeatedly … “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?”

  8. And BTBTW …

    Kamala will NOT be the Dem. nominee for POTUS. For the SAME reason they axed Joe … poll numbers. Oh, don’t get all sexed-up by the polls CURRENTLY saying she is beating Trump … Puhleeze. When the REAL poll numbers come up … the Dem’s will abandon Kamala-ramala-dingdong like an old whore.

    The Dem’s. HAVE to pick a name that can “credibly” justify 100 million votes (including 20% fraudulent votes). The Dem’s. are gonna cheat – again … and need a candidate whose name can justify the vote fraud. And it is gonna take twice the 2020 fraud to beat Trump in 2024. They need a BIG name.

    1. Maybe they can nominate Taylor Swift.

      Don’t laugh, remember when Ann Coulter (in 2016) predicted DJT would win?
