
Saving the democracy.

Operatives at the very highest levels of the Democratic Party threatened Joe Biden with forcibly removing him from office unless he stepped down, sources told The Post.

The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president seeking re-election has been in place for weeks, but stubborn Biden fought against it every step of the way, according to the sources.

Part of the “elaborate” strategy to remove Biden from the race – as he announced in a shock letter posted on X Sunday – was allowing him to debate Republican candidate Donald Trump last month on live TV in Atlanta. […]

“That debate was a set-up to convince Democrats that he couldn’t run for president,” a source close to the Biden family told The Post Monday.

As calls for him to bow out mounted, Biden insisted he would continue, but party bigwigs threatened to invoke the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution.

“Yay insurrection!”

There are many strange things afoot

39 Replies to “Insurrection”

  1. I don’t know what’s going on, but they better put some live shots of Biden alive soon.

  2. Soon Biden will be photoshopped out of official photos. This has all the stench of the former Soviet Union and the CURRENT China Communist Party.

    1. He did know, but will probably need to be reminded from.time to time. If he lives a couple more years they can start telling him, “It’s 2029, Joe, you won against Trump in 2024 and finished your second term last year. Here, have some ice cream.”

  3. Lemme say this about that.

    Biden did not know, at the time of removing hisself from the running for president, that he removed hisself from running for president.
    He did not know that he wrote the letter posted on X and he did not know that he signed the letter.

    If this sounds bizarre, one would suggest that it is less of a stretch that Biden knows where he is right now.

    For all practical purposes …. Biden is not ….

    1. When checked against his EO signature samples, it seems he didn’t sign this either, and has not been heard from since. Will he survive to complete his term, or is President Kamala already measuring the Oval Office drapes? Don’t know, just saying, but the plot thickens.

      1. Check against older (pre 2000) stuff he signed? Some of the EOs may have been signed with an Autopen.

    1. X has been great the last few weeks.

      It was totally worth making a fake Gmail account so I could sign up and see replies.

  4. I don’t doubt that Obama will have a big say in who gets to run.
    I’d be super surprised if its Half-wit Harris.
    I don’t think most top Democrats want her either.

    1. Obama and Whitmer haven’t voiced support for Harris, Hillary and Newsom have supported Harris. (I don’t care if I’ve misspelled those names)

      Hopefully there’s a cage match and a resultant loss of face for either of them, and mindless spending of cash as well.

  5. Trump got the axe and Biden got the knife.. The protectors of democracy.. The will of the people.. and all that BS..

  6. Nice thing about somebody like Joe, is that he’s go so many skeletons in the closet and criminal activity that threatening him is easy. Also, nobody feels sorry for him.

    1. Of course Biden had lots of dirt on everyone else so he could defend himself and bully others. Sadly he has forgotten all the dirt he had so he can no longer fight back

  7. I don’t think it was Joe who was threatened. I think he would have been happy to step down after one term, but Jill wouldn’t let him. She controls him, it was Jill who pushed him to go for a second term.

    I think it was Jill who was threatened. Notice how she’s been absent from public lately? She was told a week ago that Joe was out.

    Doubtful that Joe wrote the dropping out letter, he probably didn’t even know about it until after it was posted. But the endorsement of Kackling Kamala might have come from Joe/Jill, all they could do to get back at Obama for pushing them out.

    1. She’s been absent since the Secret Service send more resources to her event than to Trumps.

  8. If Trump had been killed July 13, would this “palace coup” have stilled occurred? Or was it put in play because Trump survived?

  9. This may be an actual coup.

    Biden has not appeared in public. The letter is weird, and not on official letterhead. He might be contained at his vacation home until they can remove him “legally” and then his appearances will be limited because he has dementia and his mental and emotional state is fragile.

    They are building a narrative to gather sympathy.

    1. That’s how it was done in the client states of Soviet Russia and still is in the client states of Red China. The word comes down from the people who make all the real decisions that the local satrap has become more trouble than he’s worth, and before you can say “Walter Ulbricht” the satrap has “retired on health grounds.”

    2. Is there “Joe Biden” letterhead?

      He can’t use either Presidential or White House letterhead for this, because it might run afoul of the Hatch Act (not that it matters right now)

  10. America, and the rest of the world, is turning into a dystopic surrealistic painting. Except unfortunately, it’s not art……

  11. BTW … if this same kind of palace coup had taken place in any other country … our DEEP STATE would be calling for proof of life …calling for transparency… calling for investigations … calling for assurances.

    Biden disappears … crickets

    And BTW … that phone call Biden made to Kamela? If ever there was an AI FAKED phone call … this was it. What’s the matter with a FaceTime call? A televised call? Something is definitely afoot … the only question is how long are they gonna carry on with THIS charade?

    Democracy my ass
    Republic my ass

  12. The convention is going to be Lit (and possibly on fire, if the last Chicago convention is any guide)

  13. It would be quite fortuitous timing if Joe were to unfortunately succumb to COVID, his last courageous act in this world having been to sign that letter naming a successor. Vote Harris, Joe would have wanted it that way. Where IS Joe by the way? And his wife. And Hunter?

    1. Maybe they’re getting the same treatment Nicky Santoro’s brother, Dominic, got in the movie Casino. Joe gets to watch the real made guys take out/threaten his trashy wife and junkie kid, before they put a figurative bullet in him. The Democrats are just like the mob – they have no respect for law and constitution but have their own code which is preserving power at all costs. Joey and his family became a problem. No worries, it’s just business.

  14. Joe “dies of natural causes” Hillary steps in as VP for President Kamala..
    The Cankles and Cackles team runs against Donald Trump.
    There is another C word that applies to all Demon-rats,but we don’t use that in polite company.

  15. And yet some still get their shirt in a knot when we prefer to call it the Democrat Party rather than Democratic Party.

  16. But wait a minute now… Bien is still president! Well, for now, anyway.
    He only ended his re-election campaign, but he is still “in charge” at the oval office, or so he thinks.

    (btw… does anyone still doubt my prognosticating abilities? Now pay attention when I tell you that the general election in November IS NOT in the bag!!!)

    Oh, and I’m making another call: Don’t be surprised if Biden does not appear publicly this coming week. Maybe he will, but just don’t be surprised if he doesn’t.
