54 Replies to “July 22, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. “Strong military ally” and all that: if you ever wondered what would happen if you crossed a tank with a cattle barn, see this video (spoiler: nothing good for the crew).

    I remember a schweinie-lover here claiming that Russia “built the most effective military per dollar value”; I wonder if seeing those “turtle tanks”, Chinese dirt-bikes wrapped in chicken wire and Shoigu’s golf carts would increase or decrease thier conviction…

    1. Those barn tanks are literarily one time use. The strain that the extra weight puts on the transmission and steering is such that they effectively drive forward until they wreck themselves or Ukrainians wreck them. They have no situational awareness and of course only a few degrees of turret traverse.

      1. Oh, they are concerned for sure, which is why they are so desperate for modern fighter jets. Guided glide bombs have been a game-changer in favour of the Russians and after the Russians started copying Ukrainian tactics of having lots of recon UAV around the front lines and rapidly striking tagrets of opportunity with guided missiles, causing Ukrainians to lose 2 Patriot missile launchers, there were no cases of bomb-carrying planes shot down.

        The thing is, however, if you capture territory with guided bombs, your progress will be very slow and you will capture nothing but ruins (but the local UIs like “yeahwell” will still be claiming “Russians are only progressing slowly because they aim to capture the infrastructure intact”).

    2. Speaking of dirt bikes (not that it was news), here is a fresh article:

      As Armored Vehicles Run Out, Russian Brigades Are Adding Dirt Bike Training For Some New Troops

      Best military per dollar value indeed, LOL. Would any of the schweinie-lovers here care to join the training programme? By the way, that would be a pretty quick way to gain the citizenship of the Ruϟϟischeschweinen Pediration… for those few who are fortunate to survive, that is.

      1. I think they’ve got what they used to call “eyebrows of Ilyich” (a reference to then General Secretary Brezhnev’s bushy eyebrows, which those side armour plates on the turret reminded people of).

      1. Ironically, there was a schweinie-loving UI* here who wrote something like “it’s not Russia that floods the West with illegals”. I think it was actually after the current mess on the Poland – Belarus border got started… Not that surprising when we’re talking about someone who chooses to live in the imaginary world created by Ruϟϟischeschweinen Propaganden.

        *Useful Idiot

    1. Yes, the Polish military has always been at its most effective when fighting unarmed civilians.

      1. ^^^ Ork regurgitating the botfarm talking points about its betters.
        Those civilians are terrorists sent to Polish border by Pootin’s minime Lukaszenko.
        Poland is just returning them to sender. Civilized world should do the same, … and do it to all holders of ork passport too. Free one way cattle car trip.

      2. Well, in fairness, an army has to be effective against unarmed civilians or it ain’t effective at all, and it is much more important to be effective against unarmed civilians than against an armed enemy, since such an enemy will be bound by the laws of war, and thus won’t eat you if you lose. We’re talking about eastern Europe, after all.

    2. Nearly every schweinie-lover here would rather have Poland let those illegals pass to give the schweinie-lovers more reasons to bitch about the “dying West” due to its being taken over by immigrants, in tune with the Ruϟϟischeschweinen Propaganden. You cannot be a schweinie-lover in the West unless you’re in the state of controlled schizophrenia, and that makes any self-contradiction possible.

      1. “Nearly every schweinie-lover here would rather have Poland let those illegals pass …”

        Absolutely. they’re married to the idea of gay West and manly man russia and would throw anyone under the bus just to have an opportunity to squeal “I told you so”.

    1. Yikes, this podcast is almost 3 hours long. All I can tell you is that the time passed quickly and I was surprised Id been listening for over 2 and a half hours.
      Long story short, based on bullet trajectory, at least 2 shooters, potentially three and if 3, one may have gotten away.

      1. Canada can’t deliver squat, they can’t even make enough ammo for their own “troops”. Flush 4.5 billion and enrich someone in the Ukraine, why not?

  2. Watching BNN-Bloomberg this morning, the various news hosts are all happy with Kamala Harris. I think commentators are wrong when they say the public views her as an intellectual lightweight (though she is). The reason is this: when ever a person in the media limelight faces difficult controversy, the rule for them to follow is to “tilt left”. It is true that years ago Ms. Harris as a district attorney actually prosecuted criminals. But that was years ago, when the ruling establishment opposed crime. Today she is fashionably anti-Israel and supports illegal immigration through the Mexican border. This earns her points from the corporate media and the tech oligarchs.

    Harris-mania is just starting.

    1. The ticket will be Hilary and Barak as VP.
      They can’t trust anyone else to cover up their crimes.

      1. “An Israeli news source has identified the Canadian-is-a-Candian as Kawarshi Zakaria Adam.”

        They still probably haven’t identified him as being Muslim though, right? Just “Canadian”.

  3. Canada’s second dumbest journalist brags about how they control the news cycles.

    “Hope the MAGA Trump Republicans enjoyed the Milwaukee coverage. Because no reporter is going to pay attention to them for several weeks, now.”


    1. kinsella blocked me years ago.
      Saves me time. He has nothing to say.
      I remember Kate’s little trick with him years ago.
      He looked like the idiot he is.
      Might be when he blocked me.

    1. Don’t forget that all of those actors played intelligent people in the scripts written for them!

    “Julian Assange says the email shown in this video is the most significant in his whole collection.
    This is because the email contains sensitive info between Hillary Clinton and John Podesta.
    At the end he claims Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of state gave 80 Billion in arms to Saudi Arabia and during her tenure sales of arms doubled.”


  5. Hmmm… He seems like just the sort of person the Liberals and NDP want as new Canadians.

    Bronx Friday Sermon: Christians Cannot Fill Their Churches With ‘Regular People’, So They Are Letting Homosexuals In; They Have Reason To Be Jealous Of Us; Muslims Are The Best Of Nations, The New Chosen People – That’s Why The Jews Want To Kill Us; Do Not Fall Victim To Zionist Plans; Hollywood, Music, Disney Are Zionist And Satanic
