Kiss Of Death

New York Post;

President Biden’s speech was disturbingly slurred and raspy Monday as he called in to his former campaign’s headquarters to vouch for his chosen successor Vice President Kamala Harris.

“I know yesterday’s news was surprising and it was hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do,” the 81-year-old president told campaign staff in Wilmington, Del., one day after dropping out of the race.

“I know it’s hard because you’ve poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this thing, help me get this nomination, help me win the nomination and then go on to win the presidency.”

Or was it AI?

16 Replies to “Kiss Of Death”

  1. He wasn’t going to go. So they made him “go.”
    They can pull off another cheat in November 2024 with Kamala Harris. But no one was going to believe it if they tried again with Biden.
    Biden didn’t resign himself.

  2. Is it inappropriate to say… “I don’t care.” ?

    I’m more concerned about the day after the Democrat convention up to January. My best guess is they will bench Kamala Harris and put up a new candidate. That gives Harris (and her surrounding radical advisors) five months to do whatever they damn please with no repercussions. And some of those advisors are flat out crazy, vindictive, blue-haired screaming imbeciles. Each has their favorite pet project and would have no qualms about ramming it down our throats via fiat executive order. Harris’s political career is over if she gets replaced as the new candidate. But, she and her ilk can do one hell of a lot of damage in the interim. She (and they) would have nothing to lose. Traditionally, a situation like this would be considered a lame duck session (or partial session in this case). But, the left never passes on an opportunity, and their narcissism knows no bounds.

    1. They popped out of their holes on Sunday to say they fully support Harris as the candidate (which is one of the reasons she gets 86’d)

  3. In light of my earlier prediction, I have to ask. Does this count as a public appearance?
    If so, well, I guess I missed one, but waitaminute now…

  4. Bidens call in sounds pre- recorded. Anyone seen him alive in the last few days?

  5. Eerie that Biden lasted 3.5 years and then disappeared. I suspect also he is dead and this will be announced in a day or two, perhaps while Netanyahu is in town, to cover for not treating him as a head of state.

    meanwhile, all that stuff Trump ordered saying Trump 47 on it — all has to be trashed now for Trump 48. And the way things are going, I would hold off on that also.

  6. I have been saying for a while they would off him if he wouldn’t go. They may have kept him if the other attempts had been successful.

    1. So suspiciously close on the heels of the assassination attempt. They’re going to put all the blame on Biden and his “sudden loss of mental competence.” Meanwhile they’re treating his covid with lots of remdesivir and midazolam.

    1. Where’s his face diaper?

      The zonked out gaze has been normal for so long… impossible to tell if he had a stroke in the last few days.

      1. If he indeed had four “covid” shots it could be anything “they” want it to be.

  7. ‘I want to hear if there is more to the official story than what they’re telling us’.

    Surely you’re kidding.

  8. Brandon’s voice did not sound right. I have heard the clip a few times and it’s either a very good Rich Little impersonation or a totally electronic reproduction.
