23 Replies to “Lest We Forget”

  1. I remember Kamala from Senate hearings. She came off as such a superior snotty bitch. I think she offended everyone. She was Biden’s 25th Amendment insurance policy. I suspect she has no friends. The only people on her side are afraid the Democrats will lose the black vote if they punt her, as if she was actually black.

  2. ‘X do your thing’
    uhuh. and whose behind and on top of X making sure it can ‘do its thing’?
    hint: he’s autistic and my billionaire HERO. the great EM

  3. She’s the perfect Kim Campbell. Her candidacy is about saving down ballot races and that’s it.

    1. whodathunk Canaduh would make kim campbell a verb.
      l wish l saved the editorial cartoon shes the mad hatter ‘no time to discuss key issues no time to discuss key issues’ that’s when l knew she was cooked seeing as it was HER pegged the date of the election.
      but what happened gawd almighty what a laugh.

  4. the masculine form is el presidente
    is the feminine form la presidenta?
    because THAT is what this byatch certainly is booting for.

  5. Tomorrow the MSM will be pressing hard to learn Kamala’s favorite flavor of ice cream.

      1. Oh, yeah… but they beefed up her protection because of all the Dim crazies who don’t want her to run.

        All the “Right Wing Extremists” (i.e. sane people) wouldn’t harm a hair on her head. She’s the perfect nominee to go down in flames.

        G-o-o-o Kamalala! Run Kamala. Run!

        MAMGJ – Make America Miss Gropin’ Joe

  6. Irrelevant. She’s being run for President for the same reason she’s already Vice President. There are millions of people that will vote for her simply because of that, and millions more that will vote for her because she’s not Trump, and the whole Progressive machine is ready to stuff the ballot box for her. If you think she can’t win, then you aren’t paying attention.

    1. Yup. To expand on that, expect Biden to resign the presidency within days. This elevates Harris and turns the DNC convention into a celebration / inauguration of the first woman president.

      That gives the ballot stealers the pretense to steal the election with the cover story that her ascension proved to be a unifying and inspiring story and it brought all kinds of Democratic voters back. Blah blah blah.

      1. I don’t think Biden will resign from his first term before the election.

        a) Jill won’t allow it

        b) Kamala can’t run a campaign and learn about the Presidency at the same time

        c) Biden has a bunch of Presidential pardons to issue. He’ll wait until after the election to do it.

        1. Apparently Frank Biden made a comment on the news yesterday about “enjoying what time he has left” which, of course, the so called journalist did not press further.

          Also the official WH schedule for the week is effectively blank.

          Read between the lines and it suggests that Biden is deteriorating much faster than the regime will admit. The Covid diagnosis itself may just be another cover story to get him out of sight for a little while and finish putting the screws to him.

          1. Well isn’t it interesting that Biden apparently just releases a written statement. The current President is withdrawing from the race….and he puts out a memo?!?!?!?!
            He should have made an official address to the American people on TV….or maybe he is not able to do that…

    2. Can you imagine? Kameltoe going head to head with Putin or Xi?
      The West will be finished.

  7. It’s funny the name Kim Campbell is coming up. When Harris’ name was floating around I made a comment to one of the alt-media guys and said the last time a country installed a woman as leader it didn’t work out too well, go look up Kim Campbell. I’m guessing the real poll numbers are much worse for Democrats than they are telling us.

    1. The UK cons had a lady leader recently, a, uhm, Sunak? No uhm, ah , Truss.
      Close second to a Kim Campbell.
      Lose an election get an ambassadorship.

  8. Harris want’s to ‘earn’ the nomination…amid a coronation by the Dems.
    It isn’t unanimous tho. Nancy and Zero are withholding their endorsement. My guess is the Party elites don’t like Kameltoe but they’re stuck with her. They wouldn’t dare openly oppose her.

  9. She’s an idiot and everybody knows it.
    If women want to vote for because she’s a woman, they will be voting for an idiot first and a woman second.
    If little b blacks want to vote for her because of skin color, they’ll be voting for an idiot first and a black second.
    If people want to vote for her because she’s a Democrat, they’ll be voting for an idiot first and a Democrat second.
    If Californians want to…
