Surprised no one brought out a pitchfork

Pitchforks not included. Not sure about torches.

Pipeline company comes to oil town to build a wind project, and gets hostile response

You’d have thought they were proposing a pipeline in Nebraska.

This was a very hostile crowd. I’m surprised no one brought out a pitchfork or torch. I’m sure the Enbridge folks figured they were now working for TransCanada, running a Keystone XL open house in the States.

Meanwhile, in Alberta, on Sunday:

Fool me three times: Alberta’s 4748 megawatts of wind hits one, one and zero megawatts over three days

That followed this story on Friday which went viral:

Alberta’s wind power flatlines again this week, hitting 1 megawatt out of a capacity of 4748

And if you didn’t see this, it’s worth the hour.

Jordan Peterson Podcast: Danielle Smith on Bill C-59, freedom of speech, CO2, wind, solar and more

Facebook loved it so much, they immediately pulled down the post, claiming it “violated community standards” as spam.

10 Replies to “Surprised no one brought out a pitchfork”

  1. Glad to see people standing up against these projects. We can see this isn’t sustainable at any level. If it was, they wouldn’t need the preferential treatment (subsidies , grants, protected markets, etc) that they get from government.
    If people want to spend their own money on this, that’s fine, but they are spending our money while ignoring the need that is met by the present system of power generation. Our focus should be in protecting and investing in the proven systems that have built our province or we could soon find ourselves in a bad spot.
    Copious amounts of money to feed unicorns while our cow herd is left to fend for themselves isn’t the vision we should be encouraging right now.

  2. I just finished watching the entire Peterson-Smith conversation. Even though Peterson went into great length to posit that increasing CO2 at this particular time in the Earth’s cycle was not a bad thing, Smith ran cover for the energy companies’ suicidal policy of bowing to the green slime’s insane screeching with the laughable contention that their acquiescence wasn’t groveling, but rather, just genuine concern for the environment.

    1. Of course they’re groveling, like slaves before their master. And Danielle Smith is not going to save them if she won’t even acknowledge that reality.

      1. Goodness, I did not until this moment have “Danielle Smith white slavery fetish” on my radar. A whole new marketing niche! I’ll start work on the coffee mugs.
