16 Replies to “The Libranos: Khmer Trans”

  1. All you need to do is look at C-21 to know that these people are utterly terrified of regular Canadians. They’re all convinced that Joe Normie is one bad hamburger away from a postal spree.

    One suspects that the bouncy castles on the front lawn of Parliament frightened them a lot more than we think it did. It seems the very notion that Canadians might actually disobey never really occurred to them before. They really believed that if they say a man can get pregnant we would all meekly line up and say yes sir.

  2. Is that person transitioning as well? I can’t tell really, If so, from which, and to which?

    Is transitioning a prerequisite to gaining federal gov’t civil service employment?

  3. We’ve gone from our leaders being merely incompetent fools … to downright crazy, psychotic, freaks who HATE all that is “normal” and wholesome. Yeah. Time for a serious reset.

    These freaks need to be driven back into the closet, or wherever the hell they came from … with extreme prejudice.

  4. CSIS is just another Liberal bureaucrat run department, just like all the rest in the Ottawa fishbowl. These people wouldn’t know a real Canadian if they ever came out of the valley to meet one. And real Canadians can’t ever go there , the truckers proved that.

    1. So Canada’s spy agency is headed by a Delores Umbridge clone from Hogwarts. What could go wrong?

  5. Of course she believes in the trans crap and thinks that regular Canadians are a threat. You can’t get appointed to a position in this government unless you do. The only other option is that she’s just a regular Liberal who will say and do whatever it takes to get their position on the gravy train assured.

  6. Every time you think that they finally pulled the biggest loser out of the loser bin………..here they come again.

  7. Isaiah 3:12 New Living Translation

    “Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.”

    With the child True Dough appointing women to every leadership role here, what could go wrong?

  8. I believe that the promotion of drugging and mutilating mentally distressed children while threatening their parents is pretty much a self-disqualification from humanity.

  9. How f*cked up to you have to be to advance in the public service. Where do these wacko’s come from?
    F.I.R.E. T.H.E.M. A.L.L.
