Today in Gov’t Incompetence

They can’t even figure out how to pay themselves.

Blacklocks- Phoenix Failure Is Now $3.7B

The Phoenix Pay System was launched in 2016 on a promise it would save taxpayers $70 million by centralizing 46 separate federal payroll departments into a single office in Miramichi, N.B. Auditors in 2017 determined new software was used without testing and immediately garbled paycheques for a majority of employees.

Federal auditors called the Phoenix system an “incomprehensible failure.” No one was fired.

17 Replies to “Today in Gov’t Incompetence”

  1. So, from what I understand, it was the Harper government who initiated this pay system, the liberals inherited it. Bummer, I was hoping to blame Turdoo for the whole disaster. But I suppose partial blame will do.

    1. The Conservatives did start it and in 2015 when the Liberals took it over, they were specifically warned that it was NOT ready for roll-out, but they did it anyway. Nine years and $3.7B later, it still has problems.

  2. The funniest part is that those of us in the line departments involved in testing the @$%&*( system knew it was going to be a major clusterf*ck more than a year before it went live. And we warned Public Works that it wasn’t going to work properly. But the higher-ups didn’t want to hear it.

  3. At the time of inception, there were 320,000 public servants approximately. From 43 separate entities, each with their own layers of bureaucracy. They are trying to cope with 80,000 plus rules governing this mess. It was doomed to failure and it will never be completed.

  4. What’s 3.5 billion to these fraudulent fcks?
    Besides, that’s how Liberals grow their voting base.

  5. soooooo after $3,700,000,000 blows away in the wind the
    conclusion is, ok, *now* we know whut to do.
    or is that ‘due’?

  6. I worked for the DOT at the time. Every second Monday we had to log onto the system to see if we would have our pay deposited on Wednesday and immediately report any problem. A friend of mine went 5 months without pay and the system did not allow for pay advances.
    IIRC the three project managers received bonuses for rolling out the new system on schedule.

  7. It makes us all sick to think how this Liberal government spends the Taxpayer’s hard earned money! The National debt is 3 ooo, ooo, ooo, ooo And counting!
    Canada is in ruins!

  8. A resounding success.
    By government standards.
    Spending $3,700,000,000 to save a possible $70,000,000.
    Bonuses all round.
    The “growth in the GDP”.
    Making the Canadian economy grow..
    And you might think I am being cynical..
    I say not cynical enough.

  9. Lost in the mess is the question as to who the contractor was. Why has this been been allowed to go on with no consequences? You may not be able to fire the public sector but the advantage of the private sector is that if you screw up, you are gone. Good money after bad

  10. Imagine the kind of control you would have with a digital currency and also run the country’s largest digital pay center. Likely become the only pay center eventually.
