13 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. and suddenly, all the obfuscation in her responses makes sense…

    Has anyone pointed out to Ms. Cheatle, “you have to live somewhere” and you may as well come clean sooner rather than later?

    ah, it’s no use today, wait until the new sheriff is in town 20. January 2025
    I imagine someone will inform the new sheriff of this development

    *scoll down from this X/Tweet, there’s more but it doesn’t help Cheatle’s case at all.

  2. I used to think the Bourne Identity was a cute story. Even the shooter’s last name is suspicious.

    Crooks and Cheatle. Can’t make it up.

  3. Ohhhhh … don’t be silly … this is as nonsensical as “40 mules” … right? Just a bunch of EXTREME right wing low-tech innuendo about election theft and ballot stuffing. Come on maa’aaaan … the Courts all rejected that hooey. The high-tech community … really smart people … top people … have explained why those cell phone traces were garbage.

    Yeah. That’s the ticket. And Joe Biden once had sex with Morgan Fairchild … yeahhhh

  4. The Dept of HS set up an ad hoc investigation into the SS on Sunday night. Today, the director refused to answer standard and logical questions stating “I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation”. This is how it works.

  5. As I’ve said here a few times, this kid was groomed by the FBI. Setup as “the shooter”, then conveniently the recipient of a kill shot to the head just after attempting to kill DJT. Now the only question is whether it was his shot that clipped Trump’s ear, or an actual Deep State shooter who missed his mark, thanks to that chart Trump turned his head to see.

    1. agree. whats to stop them setting up a digital firing range that duplicates the real one.

      emphasis duplicates.

      he almost did it. one shooter

  6. He was groomed after the film crew from Blackwater visited his school, assigned a handler and the washing began. This will get ugly!

  7. Who knew integrity in such deceptively important times is in such short supply.
    I’ve tuned out till a REAL good guy shows up.

  8. I don’t get why everyone thinks if the Deep State went to these lengths, they would not have a backup plan. There was a reason Trumps shoes were missing. He was injected in his heel with a biological agent. Aggressive cancer in 3 months.

    The plant, smirking woman in the background – she videod it. The Deep State wants evidence “Mission Accomplished” – they are thorough.
