24 Replies to “A Riddle Inside An Enigma Unburdened By What Has Gone Before”

    1. These days with computer programs one cannot believe much of what they see unless they witnessing it first hand.

  1. The Democrats and the MSM after lying and covering up Joe’s mental condition finally realized the Public had figured it out, so bye bye Joe.
    The Democrat voter fraud machine needs a reasonably close election to pull the fraud off and it was not going to be close enough.
    So, the backstabbers came in and stabbed him in the back.
    The GOP helps by not understanding the fraud at all and if knowing doing nothing about it.
    Look for massive election fraud again and the courts saying that they could care less about election fraud.
    Trump says this could be America’s last election.
    He is of course correct.

  2. All I can say is that I’m sure glad that no SDAers are prone to concocting conspiracy theories!

  3. My bet- he resigns the presidency Wednesday night. Announces serious illness. Brain cancer would be my guess. Family history after all. Retires to beach, trotted out occasionally for sympathy vote, dies before election.

  4. That Speaker Mike Johnston hasn’t demanded a face to face likely indicates that he knows he’s alive and semi functional still. “No secrets in Washington” and all that.

    1. What does that say about Mike Johnston? Why not ask to confront him and see if the country still has a commander in chief? Kamel Toe is out for the top job and going full steam ahead aided and abetted by the usual suspects. Who is in charge? Was there a legal hand over of power?


    2. Isn’t Mike Johnson something like 3rd in line of Presidential succession? One would think he’d be at least as excited as Nancy Pelosi was when she was calling for Trump to be removed via the 25th Amendment? He should be envisioning himself sitting behind the “resolute desk”, right?

  5. Harris and Democrats are going to scream racism and bias against minorities. Trump has a record, both as a businessnan and President. What is his record in both arenas on this topic?
    How many homeless were produced under Trump’s mandate? How many under Biden/Harris?

  6. You people haven’t read his comments. He knows Biden is back, and has constructed a whole new
    conspiracy that was meant to fool people into thinking he was [pick yer “hypothesis”] and then
    would look bad when they were shown to be wrong.
    Conspiracies are like peanuts: you can’t consume just one.

  7. I never thought Biden was in any dramatically worse shape than he usually is over the last few days, but I do believe the D’s had to operate quickly after their failed assassination of Trump to get Biden off the November ballot. This soft coup of Biden as their nominee was probably in the works for a while, and was probably originally scheduled to happen in late July/early August.

  8. Biden’s Doctor(s) know full well they can’t keep pumping him full of uppers and not have him stroke out. I suspect he has completely stroked out … perhaps they have saved him … but only just. He is at the end of his life. Sorry. Buh bye Biden. At least you have your cafeteria Catholic Faith to save you. You’ll go thru the gate with all the aborted babies … who’ll speak to you of the lives lived they were denied. Yes, an eternity listening to their stories. Like Three Dog Night … you swore there was no heaven but prayed there was no hell. Sorry dude … you lost. You were wrong. Enjoy your eternity of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

  9. One minor correction to Brett Weinstein but precise details are important:

    I distinctly remember the George Bush fake memo story. The font in question came from a “ball” on an IBM Selectric typewriter, which did not exist when the memo was written.

    I’m writing the above from memory but do believe I’m correct.

    1. Weinstein lost me with the whole “fake but accurate” BS.

      Never forget Weinstein and his wife were dyed in the wool Bezmenovites before the mob turned on them.

  10. To paraphrase Trump:
    ‘I’m gonna be right. I’m gonna be right so much and so often, I’m gonna be tired of being right.’

  11. So we have false false flags.
    Never really considered that the letter that Dan Rather put forward could have been a phony forgery.
