15 Replies to “Comrade Chow’s Toronto”

    1. Will drivers be required to twerk when driving on that street. Insurance rates are gonna soar!

  1. They have already spent $1.8 billion over the last 20 years in order to deal with flooding to no effect…

    If those councillors want to promote the toxic feminism of Taylor Swift, then they should be paying for it out of their own pockets.

    Oh, and all the signs will be stolen.

  2. Elect clowns, expect a circus. Hey Toronto, you elected this gong show. We all hope you’re enjoying it.

  3. Call the Fraud & Waste Hotline at 416-397-7867 – answered 24/7 by an independent call centre. Write a physical letter and mail it to: Auditor General’s Office, Fraud & Waste Hotline, 55 John St., 9th floor, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6.


    This could be shut down in less than a day by doing a concerted effort project. Get a couple hundred thousand Canadians to call in initiated on social media. Tie up their phone lines (would probably shut down their system). Make it a news event. Dare them to do something just as stupid and wasteful in the future.

  4. Power to the Piehole.
    Taylor’s ‘Shake It Off’ YouTube video has 3.48 Billion views

  5. Hey, if Lennon has a statue in Cuba, Swift can have a steet sign in Toronto…

  6. Olivia’s Travels, by Jonathan Swift, wherein all manner of sarcastic and dystopic adventures continue to enervate even the most ardent readers. Taylor made for these end times.

  7. White privilege much ? ? ? ?
    I guess still better than some unspellable, or pronounceable Native name.
    Just leave it as is, and name a new street somewhere, or a small green space for her, so residence’s don’t have to change their addresses,,, if you insist.

  8. Chow is so Tragically Hip that she has probably never considered renaming a street – Gord Downie Blvd.
