50 Replies to “Has a Coup d’état just Occurred in America?”

  1. Disenfranchising the 14 million who voted for Biden in the primary. A coup to save democracy?

    1. Looks to me that the democrats are serving up a shit-sandwich for the American people. The democrats are eating it whilst Republicans are BBQing Beef Tenderloin with Trump/Vance.

      This is more of the madness that has descended upon America.

  2. Pretty sure the coup occurred some time ago, not just this part week.

    1. It started when they convinced Biden it was a good idea to have an early debate with Trump.

          1. “They rigged 2016 but not well enough. Even a-holes can learn from their mistakes.”

            That’s true. They weren’t expecting the ‘shy Trump voter’ that they had created with their constant negative attacks on his supporters in 2016. In 2020, they had to create enough ballots to add up to a ridiculous 81 million supposed votes for Biden to get their ‘win’.

            Next time? They will probably need to fabricate more votes than there are registered voters.

  3. An insurrection or resurrection? Will Jo turn up at the Dementocrat convention in Chicago? He must be alive, otherwise Heels Up would have already assumed the Presidency.

    1. Sure does look like America is unraveling. I do not think anyone has the courage to do what is needed to clean up the communist mess. Just getting rid of illegal aliens will require military assistance and possibly bloodshed.
      The electoral system is seriously broken and that too will require aggressive action that will not be liked by the democrat communists.
      Those are just two of the very serious problems requiring both military and honest police and court action.

    2. If they wanted her to be president, she would be already. Or he’s not quite dead enough, and they don’t want to resort to outright murder of a sitting president…yet….

    1. I’m anticipating a death certificate conspiracy like Obama’s birth certificate controversy. It seems the only paperwork these Dems can get right is ballot printing.

  4. Joe will be dead shortly after someone does a poll that indicates Kamala is more likely to win if she’s already president. Nancy, or Hillary will ask for a few moments alone with their friend.
    My theory is that there is some % of voters that will vote for Kamala to prevent the “1st Woman president” from being a few month asterisk, like our Kim Campbell.

    1. It’s the same people in the back offices running the presidency, Biden’s up to now, Harris from now ’til the election. They’ll keep up the pretence that Biden is in charge for at least a couple months, hoping that when they have him resign and Harris officially succeeds the balance of positive effect on her campaign will outweigh the negative effect of their misrule being officially hers.

  5. Doubt is creeping in as to Trump getting into the Whitehouse. No limits how far unknown powers will go to keep him out

      1. Seriously, Art? Bullet to the ear wasn’t enough for you? Two dead bodies insufficient evidence?

  6. It’s corruption by the Party. Voters are fooled into thinking they have a say in the candidate selection process. It’s the Party elites who decide who runs not the people.

    Bongo just pulled the same stunt. He anointed a Montreal city councilor to be the candidate in a by- election. Potential candidates in the riding association can go pound sand.

  7. I’m only into the first 10 minutes in this video, but Poso brings up some good points even at only these first few minutes in..


    I don’t think it’s “ok” to keep the nation, the “west” even, hidden of WTF is going on with this crew, the entirety of the Democratic Party and their MSM cohorts are in on these secrets, and “sunlight is the best disinfectant” is all that comes to my mind.

    Think about this while here in tier 2 Canada, everything Trudeau does is partially hidden, or completely hidden, the best we get is “Mr. Speaker, the opposition doesn’t care about Canadians… ” and more, and never ending mush from the imbecile’s mouth.

    We don’t know the condition of the person holding the nuclear codes.

    Schrödinger’s cat is holding the nuclear codes.

    Biden, has become Schrödinger’s cat

    None of this seems real, and it’s all real.

    cue the Sovietologists to explain what’s behind the 3rd curtain… Is Andropov dead?

    Poso is saying, the most ruthless, will rise to power.

    1. yes , and the strange zombie videos of him from a few weeks ago , drugs , doctored , AI or all three. 30 second spots with 10 breaks. his face changed day to day .

      “live ” appearances became too risky .

    2. Wow! Marc in Calgary. That should be required viewing for every American who think they believe in the woke nirvana preached by the Democrats. We are at the precipice of a Revolution. A Revolution to destroy everything that America has ever been or ever represented. A Revolution to erase the US constitution.

      And ALL the destructive Revolutions in world history START by destroying the Christians. And I was very pleased to hear these two men speak of the REAL reason we are supposed to HATE Putin, and HATE Russia … is for their anti-LGBTQueer laws prohibiting the “grooming” and indoctrination of Russian schoolchildren. Ukraine my ass. That’s not the reason our INSANE leaders … including never-been-married or even had a girlfriend … Lindsay Graham wants nuclear war with Russia. Seems he wants to promote LGBTQueerdom … just like they do over at Conservative Treehouse where I have been BANNED from posting for daring to suggest it is WRONG to teach gay sex techniques to our 11yo schoolboys.

      Oh well … looks like I will be herded into the first of the cattle cars destined for the “showers”

  8. Good tweet. A bit hyperbolic to call it a “coup”, any more than Jan. 6th was an “insurrection” but we are living in the age of the clickbait headline, so so be it.

    Whatever it is, it certainly IS comical, entertaining and confirming – if any further evidence was needed – that the Democrats and their fellow-travellers are denizens of Clown World. I mean, the about-facing, gaslighting, tortuous pretzel logic and other assorted ‘fancy-dancing’ that we’re getting from parties on the left who but a mere week or so INSISTED that that Biden was in tip-top form and would remain on the ticket and that Trump was a “threat to democracy”, etc., etc., are now insisting with equal emphasis that the former’s bowing out was the right and/or “inevitable” thing to do, have thrown their support behind Kamala – who exactly ZERO Democratic delegates elected to be their presidential nominee (I have no issue with parties switching candidates but if we’re going to get all simon-pure about the ‘sanctity of the democratic process’, then the optics here are highly ironic) – and are now focussing on…wait for it…Trump’s age!

    We are at war with Eurasia and at peace with East Asia. We have always been at war with Eurasia and have always been at peace with East Asia.

    We are at war with East Asia and at peace with Eurasia. We have always been at war with East Asia and have always been at peace with Eurasia.

  9. DNC was never a straightforward party, there’s always been shenanigans and backstabbings between different factions. And no surprise, they’re called Evil Party since Clinton at least. But this time they deal internally with something new: I’m pretty sure that ‘dr’ Jill Biden is a combination between Head Nurse Ratched and Lady Macbeth.

    I’ve read this yesterday (apologies if this was posted already):


  10. The coup happened in 1963 and has continued almost uninterrupted. When the president steps out of line (Nixon) they get rid of him. When he wins an unexpected election they simply cheat him out of the next election. However this time Biden the unelected president had a medical emergency and is either in a coma or dead.

  11. Between now and November, certain Supreme Court justices are at the same risk as Trump.

      1. I can’t … he died choking on a ham sandwich … or something smothering him like a pillow.

  12. The Dem version of the Night of the Long Knives…..the Nacht der langen Messer. Perfectly “democratic” according to the Dems.

    1. It is indeed!

      Some of what we have witnessed, and will no doubt soon witness, will – to appropriate a oft-employed term from the left – “do violence” to both (i) credulity, and (ii) if the elsewhere-cited Kamala Harris cooking video is any indication, one’s settled stomach. Vomitus.

    2. I would take that with a grain of salt. The money flowed in but it was sitting there waiting for things to shape up with respect to the Dem candidate. Kamala is the beneficiary, but she did not really raise those funds. It’s an attempt to bolster her legitimacy.

  13. I’d think you’d need more than one gang in power to have a coup.

    Similar to voting in Canada.

  14. This is dark. Very dark. If they’ll pull a coup d’état they’ll rig an election.

    1. Said Planned Election Steal has been in the works since 2020.
      And don’t ever think our very own Imbecile in Charge wouldn’t try that either…Garanteed he will.
      One look at the Mayoralty Landscape in Canada should be a dead giveaway.

      As for a coup in the US….? uh yea.!
      I don’t think Biden remains among the living

  15. Look at timing. White House staff was blindsided by Biden’s withdrawal. It has been reported that by Sunday evening, a majority of Democratic congressmen, senators, governors, and ALL of the state chairs had committed to support Harris. That is commitments from over 200 people. That doesn’t happen in a few hours. Everyone knew this was happening, and was on board, except for Joe and Jill.

  16. I can’t answer that question without getting an answer to another:

    If the people in charge have not changed, is it a coup?

  17. Those Dem. voters that didn’t support Harris as the Pres. candidate, how are they going to respond at the actual US Election? Will they just stay home and not vote; let the chips fall where they may?
    Do they even have a say at their Dem. National Convention, or is it just a done deal…

  18. I predicted in 2020 that Biden wouldn’t finish his Presidency. It’s just he lasted farrrrrrr longer than I expected. Better living through pharmaceuticals…

  19. The early 80s Soviets couldn’t have done it much better than this. Prop up some old fossil as the nominal leader while a bunch of unknown aides actually run the state, then when the fossil reaches the end of his usefulness, shuffle him out for the next prop leader. All of the people know it’s a sham but are powerless to do anything about it.

    Who really won the Cold War?
