13 Replies to “Our Chinese Installed Government In Ottawa”

  1. Perceptions, eh!
    When damn near every item one picks up in canadiantire or pretty much every other retailer across the country perception leads inevitably to reality.
    Check the made in _ _ _ _ _ label on that article. And consider the unemployed locally and the slave labor over there!!

    1. US here, CRB, but I just had the pleasure of buying some license plate frames that were made in the USA for my wife’s ‘new’ 1-year-old used car she just bought.

      When they arrived, I actually got a big smile of satisfaction at the clearly visible high quality. Polished stainless steel, not plated pot metal. After seeing so much Made in China junk over the years, the difference was stark.

      On that purchase, I had a choice. Most of the time nowadays, you don’t have a choice.

      Oh… it was higher-priced than the Chinese-made frames, but surprisingly it wasn’t very much more, maybe $10 higher for the pair. Well worth it. The frames will outlast the car by years.

  2. It’s refreshing that Joly publicly admits that she doesn’t represent Canadians. That, or she’s too thick to realize what she said. Sino-Barbie?

  3. “Almost 80 per cent of Canadians have a negative view of China, according to a new report from Pew Research, an increase of five percentage points from last year’s record high. Only 14 per cent of Canadians said they had a favourable view of China, while 79 per cent said the opposite.Jul 27, 2023”
    *Globe and Mail, 27. July 2023

    this seems close to what Canadians feel towards the #Libranos / NDP this year…


    It’s much easier and not behind a paywall, to link to Angus Reid as they’re not dependent upon the #Libranos largesse …

    1. Exactly. “So solly Honobull Xi. Turdo-san loves you, but turdo-san peasants, not so much.”

  4. Classic Progressive Comrade Speak.
    Almost as cringeworthy as Dear Leader Justine’s comment on Trumps near death,”We should never tolerate political violence” or words salad to that effect..From the nitwit who ordered a State of Emergency over peaceful protests in Ottawa and sent in the Goon Squads to attack Canadian Citizens..
    We are slow learners,us Canadians.
    These idiot politicians are not our real enemy,no,that honour goes to the vicious idiots who live amongst us and continually vote Liberal/Never Done Paying/Red Tory.
    These are parasites who will rob cheat and steal before they will ever consider doing productive work.

    The voters who enable fools and bandits..
    Voting for such is no longer a “mistake” .
    It is an informed deliberate decision.

    “Have you now or at any time past ben a member of the Free Stuff Army of Can Ahh Duh?”

  5. The biggest problem with China is the fact that the Canadian political class is stuffed to the gills with treasonous sell-outs who are happily selling the country out from under us for their 30 pieces of silver. This applies to both sides of the aisle, as well as the provinces.

    1. Not the “loyal dog of the United States”….the loyal dog of the BIDEN “administration”. BIG difference.

  6. The chicoms took Ms Joly out to the woodshed. They read her the riot act and sent her home. She is a fool and a bong stooge.
