Supply Mismanagement

It used to be said that the beauty of the dairy quota system was that taxpayers would never be on the hook for financial aid to dairy farmers. Leaving aside the obvious contradiction that tariffs on imported goods are actually a tax, it seems that tariff barriers just won’t do it anymore for milk producers.

Dairy Farmers of Canada will be receiving up to $5,000,000 over 5 years to advance sustainability and public trust in the dairy industry, leveraging the proAction quality assurance program. The proAction program ensures Canadian dairy farms maintain high standards in terms of environmental impact, food safety, animal care, and more.

DFC will also be receiving up to $3,572,786 over five years to build on their existing tools and strengthen DairyTrace to help protect and enhance animal health, public trust, and sustainability.

24 Replies to “Supply Mismanagement”

  1. Canada is a Potemkin democracy with a Potemkin economy, with a Potemkin Charter of Rights, and Canadians have Potemkin brains.

  2. And repeat after me: these arent subsidies!!

    Anyways, PeePee is gonna put an end to this. Right?

    1. “Anyways, PeePee is gonna put an end to this. Right?”

      Nope. He’s already said more than once that he is completely onboard with the Quebec dairy cartel and their ‘supply management’ monopoly. We’re screwed.

  3. And when/if the supply management system is stopped and a free market restored, look for the dairy farmers to get compensation for the value of their milk quotas.

  4. $3 million is peanuts compared to:

    “The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a $3.5-billion, 5-year agreement (April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2028), between the federal, provincial and territorial governments to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation, and resiliency of Canada’s agriculture, agri‐food and agri‐based products sector.”

    1. Agreed. It’s even smaller when you compare it to the losses that Canadian households have incurred by paying a government-created monopoly. To that you also have to add the losses created by destroying what was once a leading Canadian export industry – cheese.

  5. “DFC will also be receiving up to $3,572,786 over five years […]”

    I just love those exact down-to-the-dollar numbers that goobermint bureaucrats put out. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy all over.

    Canadian taxpayers can count themselves lucky if a) the number is actually under $10,000,003** and 2) if the payments actually end after 5 years.

    It’ll cost way more than they say and last as long as there is a taxpayer left alive in Canada to pay taxes.

    **See that? Anyone can play the exact numbers game when you are just making stuff up based on wild assumptions and sketchy data.

  6. Does a single penny of this go to someone who actually raises cows?

    Sounds like an expensive new marketing campaign, endless environmental studies… money for lots of people who aren’t farmers.

  7. Dairy Farmers of Canada will be receiving up to $5,000,000 over 5 years to advance sustainability and public trust in the dairy industry, leveraging the proAction quality assurance program

    I worked on an 8,000 acre ranch … and performed literally EVERY job that ever was needed to be done. But I have NO IDEA what the sentence above means. I got nothing. What the HELL does that mean? I never nursed, or repaired “sustainability” … or “pro-action quality assurance”. What the hell is that?

    1. In corporate speak, it means a poorly thought out marketing campaign.
      In gov’t speak in means pay up and shut up.

    2. Salaries for illegal aliens to massage udders apparently rival those of fast food workers in California. And that’ s without paying the pole tax.

  8. Dairy farmers make so much loot it’s unreal. Not uncommon to see a garrage with a couple of Ferraris in them at a dairy farmer’s place. Now turd lisp is giving them more cake?

  9. But but but…the cow farts, man!!!
    They’re literally genociding mother Earth!

  10. It’s hard not to come to the conclusion that all these “programs” are set up as grafting mechanisms for friends of the government.
