12 Replies to “The Doctor Will Kill You Now”

  1. Inevitable given the glee from the advocates of Medically Accelerated Induced Death, as the are excited for the opportunity to kill people under the guise of “compassion “

  2. My heart breaks for her … rendering it of no value to the organ harvest industry. Our love and concern is of no value in this dystopian culture

  3. The level of systemic corruption in the west is off the scale.
    Our institutions are terminally broken, totally beyond repair, even by Trump.
    No amount of beating a dead horse will bring it back to life.
    Normally, a form of civilizational of apoptosis would take place, allowing for corrections and new institutions. The elites, however, prefer civilizational necrosis.

  4. As computer technology eventually advanced at a steeper and steeper rate, so the decay for society decends at an increasing rate, as each part builds on the previous.

  5. When my mother fell and went into a coma, 3 different doctors told us she was dying. Due to pressure by my brother in law a nurse another doc. came and looked at her, he said something is wrong, and she was shipped off to a larger BC hospital and put on dialysis, she came out of her coma and lived another 2 1/2 years. As she was in her 80’s the hospital/government looked at her as an expense to let go.

  6. organ donor registry.

    ha ha ha ha!!
    here it is for the benefit of SDA, having been bullied by elementary teachers, egregiously insulted by cops who laughed in my face 1st time l EVER attempted to report a theft, mocked, riduculed insulted on the dance floor, ostracized, snapped at by ‘caring christians’, YOU GET HTE IDEA. abt a yr or so before covid hit l took my name PERMANENTLY off the registry.
    is that going to be of consequence?
    -never any cancer,
    no cirrhosis, no fibromyalgia, never any kidney stones, no COPD, no heart disease, etc up the wazoo. l dont even wear glasses.
    soooooooo sumbuddy out dere in bullyland gonna die early? could be !!!
    lm negotiating an agreement with the ones who run things ‘down there’ whoever follows me l get to piss in the eyes and crap in their ears symbolizing the hate contempt and abuse lve faced for over 65 yrears.
    alll the time laughing at THEM.

  7. Just another example of death culture.
    That’s thing about Leftest philosophy.
    Something always has to die.
    Anything from humans to animals to economies to the arts to…

  8. I wonder how before Monty Python’s “may we have your liver?” sketch becomes reality.

  9. Thinking, something like advanced ‘ism.
    The current flow of society is going to hell in a handbasket.
    Those that went to school for a long time and the bottom feeders, will rationalize it and the population will submit. The plebeians have no say in it.
    There is nothing that will stop it, except maybe an asteroid.
