49 Replies to “Trump Shooting: Cheatle Resigns”

  1. Last night, I was riding in a vehicle with 3 hardcore Democrats. Among other stupid things they said (I may write about this in the future), they were astounded that anyone would be calling for this DEI Hire’s removal.

    Only when you spend time with such people, do you fully realize how far gone they are.

    1. It’s performative. They do this to show each other they are With The Program. Get them alone, most will admit its all BS.

      I guess some do Really Believe, and can’t be moved by mere Reality. IMHO their numbers are shrinking by the day, as Reality keeps kicking harder.

      1. Ha! Reminds me of the old Mormon joke … Never take just ONE Mormon on a fishing trip, because he will drink all your beer.

  2. Like Joe before her, an inexplicable stubbornness combined with a complete lack of….what, situational awareness? Or acceptance of reality? Everyone knew she was leaving except her.

    1. I suspect she’s as oblivious to the upcoming threshing as Kim Campbell was after Mulroney

    1. Brilliantly stated!

      But don’t weep for Cheatle … she’ll be retiring to her $multi-million beach house in Santa Monica, collecting her massive Federal Pension and PepsiCo pension. She’ll be just fine as she dines at the finest West LA eateries. She’ll laugh with her radical leftist friends that she ALMOST got rid of the 21st century’s Hitttler.


      And who leaves their cushy $1.2M/yr. job + generous perks at PepsiCo to become SS Director at a salary of $280k? What has she been promised in offshore pay by the corrupt Democrat Party? Rest assured she was being paid MUCH MORE than $280k/yr. Wouldn’t it be nice for Trump to launch an anal-probe-level IRS forensic investigation of her taxes and assets?

      1. Failing at Job #1.
        If you can’ t assassinate a 78 year old Nazi, what good are you?

    1. May be time to short PepsiCo. But for the USSS gig, she’d still be head of global security and risk mitigation there. Makes you wonder wbout the rest of the C-suite.

  3. Will Cheatle’s replacement know how many shell casings were on the roof at the attempted assassination rooftop?

    Which Cheatle’s replacement know which brand and type of rangefinder the shooter had? Who paid for it? Was it still under warranty? Was it purchased at the same shop as the gun was purchased at?

    1. Where did the shooter practice? Was it at a range? If so, who paid of it? Who paid for his ammo? He had to practice somewhere because missing by 1 inch at 140 yards, because of a head turn, is better than the vast majority of normies could do. There are hundreds of questions that need to be answered but I doubt that we’ll get satisfaction on a couple of dozen.

      1. He and his father would go to the firing range together. His father had a number of guns in the house, like a lot of normal Americans would be known to do and have.

        He was a normal geek kid…until….

  4. She’s a co-conspirator in my opinion- be great if they found a way to make her flip.

  5. Not unprecedented. The news media during FDR’s time as president bent over backwards to hide the fact he was confined to a wheelchair.

  6. Eight or nine days too late. Shame on her, and shame on her for her handling of the aftermath. Anyone with an ounce of respect for the institutions she’s charged with protecting would have resigned immediately.

    1. True. But anyone with an ounce of respect is unlikely to rise to the head of any major security or military agency.

      1. “True. But anyone with an ounce of respect is unlikely to rise to the head of any major security or military agency.”

        Diversity hire, for certain. From PepsiCo? Please…

        1. Shrug. What I said doesn’t only apply to diversity hires. Think Milley, Comey, the CAF Chiefs of Staff, Police Chiefs, etc.

          To be successful in promotional and selection processes you have to say things that any honest person would know to be dishonest. That’s why you have General Officers committed to tampon dispensers in men’s washrooms. They know it’s bullshit, but by virtue of the fact that they are where they are, they have no problem going along with the horseshit. They’ve swallowed their dignity and suppressed honesty so often in the past that it is now second nature to them.

          1. “Shrug. What I said doesn’t only apply to diversity hires. Think Milley, Comey, the CAF Chiefs of Staff, Police Chiefs, etc.”

            True, but she was still totally unqualified for the job….and no woman with any self-respect would have taken that job just because they needed a woman to fill their gender quota.

        2. Before Pepsi she did 27 years in the Secet Service latterly assigned to VP Biden’s protection. The job at Pepsi would have been a happy landing arranged to reward her for keeping her mouth shut about his “family business.”
          They brought her back when an even worse secret needed to be kept, and they needed the entire service under the control of someone more loyal to the Biden family personally than to the Secret Service or the nation.

    2. “Anyone with an ounce of respect…”

      Quite. But the reality we find ourselves facing is that none of them have even that. It is a cabal of corrupt apparatchiks, all out for themselves. Not just the Americans, but Canada too. This country is probably worse, if anything.

      1. same as jfk’s bad back. l have a theory a viable functioning socio-economic structure can carry this deadweight and always does some of it.
        l mean like throughout history.
        but then soooooo many take that easy route, the burden is too much.
        it seriously harms that structure to carry the freelaoders. and ‘me first’ grab grab grab
        what then? revolution time maybe?
        we live in interesting times C. Dickens.

    3. It’s exactly like Cheeto security.

      And the threats to truckloads of water shipped to Pepsi plants are…unimaginable.

    1. It really is amazing to see them doing it on a day-at-a-time basis. To look at it and understand it is a corrupt card game. And always was. That’s the sobering realization, its always been this way and even WWII was nothing but a poker game that cost millions their lives.

      1. I am of the opinion that western civilization suffered its death blow in 1918, but nobody noticed because industrialization was improving standards of living. It finally bled out in the 1980s, and since then the maggots feeding off its bloated corpse have been proliferating.
        What a time to be alive!

  7. She keeps her pension, and will land at some Democrat allied firm.

    Not really paying any price for her incompetence or malice.

  8. I suspect Biden’s puppet masters asked for her resignation. Her pissy attitude ticked off a lot of Democrats.

  9. It gets worse.

    (ALL) of the SS audio from the shooting was erased.

    They must know Hillary’s bleach-bit method.

    1. I’ll bet a loonie that the Pumpkin Corners police department has a full spectrum recording of all on-air discussions on multiple frequencies.

      1. Quite possibly they did. The FBI has it now, and they have conveyed it to the angels.

  10. “Everyone knows Kamala Harris is going to be under the microscope. ” —Joel Mowbray


    (Raucous Laughter) Really? They are highlighting her cooking recipes on CNN. Every photograph of her is flattering. They don’t even approach the topic of her knowledge of Biden’s cognitive acuity. The media is in FULL REBRANDING MODE, and before they’re done they will be comparing Harris to Mother Theresa (right after they hold up a painting pallet to show her “minority” status). They made her last appearance front page news on every media outlet (with remarkably similar language from each outlet). Next step will be to take the same approach on a debate that Biden did and call Trump scared of her if he doesn’t accept with no reservations.

    1. Dead on. They’ll be in full swoon mode; just like our media was for turdo in 2015 and their media was for Obammy.

      As my late friend Fritz said during the lead-up to Obammy’s ascension:
      “Oh ja! I have before seen this in Austria. The women everywhere their pants were wetting for Hitler.”

  11. They should have jailed her on contempt until she decided to talk.

    1. “They should have jailed her on contempt until she decided to talk.”

      Should have, yes. They started impeachment proceedings against her, for what that is worth.

  12. OK wheel in the Deputy, we have questions to ask him. And then the number 3, the agent in charge of the site, etc. If you’re going to put on a show, at least make it semi-serious.

  13. As expected, Cheatle was thrown under the bus before she had to fall on her sword.
    But as they say in those ads… “But wait! There’s more!!!”
    Folks, we’ve only scratched the surface here. Unless there’s a massive upheaval in the administrative state, I doubt if we’ll ever get to the whole truth, but what we will uncover will be shocking to the average political observer…
    …but not to me.

  14. I have not read all the comments, however who is going to replace her? Another commie libturd, bent on killing Trump?
