19 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Democracy, democracy, democracy. Hmmm, where has it gone? I wonder what has happened to the Constitutional Republic south of the 49th?

    1. the muslim takeover of Canada is nearing completion all with the assistance of Justin Trudeau

      1. We have been have been watching this for decades now. Liberal Quebeckers think they will be a separate country once the R O C has been submerged by islam. Ignoring the fact that Islam is as prevalent there as everywhere else in Canada.

  2. The trans ideology is basically trans insanity. It is a mental illness that has been promoted as normal, and guess what folks, it isn’t.

  3. ‘power but no authority’
    yep. one of THE FIRST concepts in my BA poli sci courses was the question of legitimacy, looking hard and intensely and just what ‘is’ it that endows an administration with legitimacy?
    an election.
    well step back then, what ‘is’ it that the populace declare thats the mechanism that brings legitimacy?
    the bidens lack legitimacy but hang on to the power the acquired when they did have legitimacy. l mean the democratic party, biden may have not had legitimacy from the get go. lm not expressing an opinion on that here.

    1. Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority


      Unless you have personally signed a contract without duress with the folks who claim to rule over you, their rule is illegitimate.

      Scaling up the number of people in a contractual agreement to the size of a nation does not remove the responsbility to get the actual consent of everyone involved.

  4. “Kentucky Fried Chicken recently gained some attention on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter, for apparently switching to halal chicken in many Ontario restaurants. Some of the criticism included seemingly Islamophobic calls to boycott the chain, accusing it of setting its menu to appeal to a minority of the Canadian population.”

    Yes CBC lets call Sikhs and others who are opposed to Ritually Slaughtered Meats “Islamophobic” that should go down well.

    1. And exactly where in their “holy” literature is it demanded or even mentioned that food must be Halal. Another scam accepted as a religious edict, same as women`s clothing.

  5. CBC has gone full 100% Islamist. They promoted a documentary with a “Greek-Jew” porn queen. The woman has Greek citizenship. She should have been labelled “Greek” if any label at all was required. She was certainly not an active Jew. Why add the “Jew” part? Are other porn types being called “American-Catholic” porn king if they happened to be born into a nonpracticing nominally Catholic family? No. AntiSemiticism has gone mainstream. Jew hate is being openly encouraged by the our state broadcaster.

  6. “An American surgeon who volunteered in Gaza told “CBS Sunday Morning” in an interview that aired Sunday that Israeli snipers were purposely shooting Palestinian children, including toddlers.

    “I had children who were shot twice,” said Dr. Mark Perlmutter, who said he was in Gaza at the end of April and the first couple weeks of May. “I have two children that I have photographs of that were shot so perfectly in the chest I couldn’t put my stethoscope over their heart more accurately and directly on the side of the head in the same child.”

    Perlmutter added, “No toddler gets shot twice by mistake by ‘the world’s best snipers.’ And they’re dead-center shots.””


  7. According to Israeli media reports, the terrorist was a Canadian citizen

    Which is why there’s no fixing this. Short of giving the government the power to strip Canadians of their citizenship – which I guarantee you will be used to put Ezra Levant on a container ship to Indonesia five minutes after the Liberals inevitable return to power – you can’t undo what’s already been done. Canada gives out citizenship like water. Even if you cancelled every single extant visa, deported all of them and slammed the doors shut for a generation, there’s still so many malicious immigrants here with full citizenship that the country has been permanently altered.

  8. Peace, children, peace. In only a few more days, the Great Circus known as the Olympics will be rolled out in all its glory for the entertainment and edification of the citizenry of the World (well maybe Russia not so much), and all will magically be made well again. By the time the last javelin is chucked, and the last pair of Nike’s finishes the Marathon, the Politicians and the Media will have re-written the Story, and we will all be believers again. Patience, children, and Peace.

  9. Ann Coulter referred to Obumner as the affirmative action president. Sadly, she’ll be referring to Kameltoe as the DEI president next year. The fix is in. No sane person would vote for Kackles, therefore many dead and non-existent people will be voting. That number will be much more than 81 million.

  10. Now is the time we juxtapose…

    Soviet Union reports dear leader has a cold.

    Democrats report that dear leader has covid.
