30 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. It seems that all failed celebrities (Meghan Markle, I am looking at you!) end up with a cooking show.

  2. With her mouth agape like that, Harris looks like the xenomorph in the movie ‘Alien’.

  3. Scott Adams just floated a speculative reason why Harris has lost 90% of her staff while in office.

    She’s a mean drunk.

    “Open the Books, a watchdog organization that reports on government spending, found that 91.5% of her staff has left since she was sworn in.

    Twenty-four of the employees from April 2023 to this past March departed, the watchdog said. Of the 47 staffers that started with Harris, only four have reportedly stayed with her.”

  4. According to the media, Harris has already won the election. After all, she’s a woman and black. That’s all you need to be president.

    1. OJ … it’s even WORSE than that! Because if you Don’t support her … you are a regressive, misogynist, AAPI-hating, racist. And probably a Natzi too! I just got bombarded with that message from my local morning Ch2 KTVU Fox News Channel here in the SF Bay Area.

  5. The big question is how or if she follows directions from Hillary and Obama as well as Sleepy Joe. She will appeal to the same US demographic as the Canadians that support Trudeau, her intellectual equal.

  6. She’s the next best thing since sliced bread…don’t you know that!

    1. So Camilla … Kamala … whatever … got into the “sourdough” fad during our COVID lockdown?

  7. However much you believe that you hate the media,you do not hate them enough.
    The “Marketing of Kamala” will be most entertaining.
    For this Cackling Nitwit is a product,about to be most heavily promoted to the consumers.
    And the promoters believe in the stupidity of the consumer.
    The same promotion team who sold Can Ahh Duh Dear Leader, as “New and Honest Leadership”
    Who have sold the myth of a functioning Joe Biden.
    And the joke of “Honest Elections for all”

    Truth in advertising.
    We live in a time when the parasites are rewarded for lying to us.
    And the citizen is punished for speaking truth.
    You can never hate ,the people who sell such a State,enough.
    Know your enemy.

    All hail,The State of Thuggery.

  8. I wonder how long Obama will give her to get her poll numbers within striking range of a steal. Two weeks? I really don’t know. But yeah, more of this until he’s satisfied. If her numbers stay low – which they currently are despite the “bump” she got from “enthusiasm” – I think he’ll publicly endorse an open convention and (behind the scenes) push for Whitmer. Then they’ll push out Sotomayor and promise Cackle-ama a Supreme Court seat.

  9. Here’s what you can expect from the press:

    “There was a twinkle in her eye. There was a kick in her step that, you know, when you’re vice president…you’re not loose. There’s somebody above you, somebody you don’t want to overshadow them. And this was quite the coming out. I got chills when she said, ‘Donald Trump: I know your type.’ That was like, ‘Wow, she’s going to prosecute this case,’” MSNBC pundit Donny Deutsch said.

    He continued, “And I was blown away. I was, like, I kind of fell in love with her. I thought she was smart, engaging. She’s funny, feisty, twinkle in your eye, punch you in the gut. I mean, everything you kind of want. And I just thought it was a great, great opening act.”

    “Bear with me, I’m jumping out of my seat over here watching this. People have been thirsting for this,” “The Bulwark” podcast host Tim Miller exclaimed.

  10. The media and others are still promoting her as a black American. She is not a black anything. Her mother was Indian and her father was Jamaican.

    1. My own beautiful, exceptionally smart, highly educated daughter in law’s father is a Caribbean black man … and she bears the unmistakable skin color, hair, and features of that heritage (and she is drop-dead gorgeous as a mixed race woman). Kamela looks like every other white girl I see.

      Kamala – Black like me

    2. but to the average dumb american it does not matter, she says she is black and that is good enough for them

  11. Old Joe isn’t as dim as a lot of people think including the Party elites.

    When he realized he was given the high jump he resigned and almost immediately endorsed Kameltoe thus tying the hands of those who wanted an ‘open convention’ and a nomination of their ( the elites) choice.

    The Party elites ( Zero Nancy, Chuck etc) don’t like Kameltoe. They had someone else in mind but they don’t dare openly oppose a woman especially a woman of color.

    So maybe old Joe gets the last laugh…unless Kameltoe loses to Trump then they all lose – ha.

    It’s just starting to get interesting.

  12. She’ll be on the cover of every magazine in the next 3 months. Every. Single. One.

  13. Her smile and laugh would be contagious is an acylium for demented harpies.

  14. I estimate her IQ at 85.

    As border czarina she advised illegal aliens not to come to America. And 10 million promptly poured in.
