AI-Powered Kamala Noise-Kancelling Kontraption

Let’s face it, the next few months are going to be incredibly painful for anyone with an IQ over 85 and reasonably functioning hearing. To help preserve the sanity of everyone, we have created an AI-Powered Auditory Device that is specifically designed to prevent you from ever again hearing the hyena-like laughter of Democrat Presidential candidate, Kamala Harris. Best of all, our device snugly fits inside of your old Covid masks, so you can celebrate in being able to recycle them. Sold in pairs, we offer a money-back guarantee that you will never again have to endure such torture!

17 Replies to “AI-Powered Kamala Noise-Kancelling Kontraption”

  1. Put me down for a pair, Robert.

    I don’t care what they cost. “If it saves just one life…”

    1. At least we don’t have to worry about Kamilla spreading her disease asymptomatically … because her disease is fully symptomatic.

    1. Impossible to avoid her face if you use the internet. I’m inventing something called the Eye Fork that can help with that.

  2. After Vladimir Putin spends 30 minutes listening to Hyena Harris prattle on about Yellow School Buses he will shoot himself in his own ear.

  3. lm 73 end of summer. lve never had the impulse to punch a woman until now

  4. Thanks for posting this perceptive article. I have watched less news as the big-money-led Harris-mania reps up. The oligarchs are winning.

  5. Does it drown out the bleatings of proven rapists and convicted felons?

  6. I haven’t had tv in over 30 years. I’m radio all the way. You can’t dial any station from anywhere in the world without running into Kameltoe. Arrrrugh.

    She is further left than Bernie Sanders. There’s not a progressive issue she doesn’t champion.

    She’s not as dim witted as many think and is going to make it tough on DJT.
