32 Replies to “Here, Tell These People Something They Don’t Know About Me”

  1. Having never been accused of committing golf the entire thing is bizarre and stupid sounding.
    Being, of course, all in on DIE, I’m happy to know that some people enjoy golf.
    That said, why is this a thing?

    1. Mark Twain called golf “a good walk spoiled”; and lotsa’ people will tell you they call it ‘golf’ because ‘shit’ was taken. But as with all things done well, what dazzles me is the sheer expertise on display – from a pro who does this all the time for a living, and from a very old guy who despite a weird-lookin’ swing (and getting shot last week), does this golf-thing really, really well too.

      Layman’s translation for the Tweet – that hole is a Par-4, which means that a good golfer needs four strokes at the ball (with all those different weirdly-shaped and very expensive clubs in his bag) to get it in the hole. Me, if I was stupid enough to try golfing that hole, it would take me 15 to 25 strokes if I didn’t give-up halfway through and storm off the course, cursing and crying in frustration. Their scores? – a ‘birdie’ is if you got it in the hole in three strokes (i.e., one-stroke-less-than-par), and an ‘eagle’ (which Trump did) is when you get it in the hole in two-strokes-less-than-par (and anybody who actually plays golf (which I don’t), please feel free to correct me…)

      So in other words, Trump is playing golf at a championship level. He was a pretty good President too…

      1. There is endless humour about golf, mostly perpetrated by golfers. Humour is mandatory for golfers to endure their ineptitude and keep up hope of improvement. It helps to see a even a pro miss a three foot putt or put it in the pond. Add golfer’s shared comradery in the struggle and the game either resonates with you or you find the compulsion an enigma. And as for Trump, if he plays that well at 78, he must have been a low handicapper in his halcyon days.

      2. Yes, but 210 yds. is a criminally short par 4. Hahaha ha. So the green is VERY drivable … by most golfers. Don’t get me wrong, though … it is an easy par … but to card a 2 (eagle) is MOST impressive. And to do it by using a wood to drive the green is even more difficult. (Woods are much harder to control accurately than irons … note his partner used a short/med. range – 7 iron).

        Trump plays what I call “old man golf” … wood, wood, putter, putter. Trump probably rarely uses his irons. Hey! It works for old people who can no longer generate the power and speed in their (odd looking) swing. Nothing wrong with it … if you can make it work like Trump does here.

        Yeah … he would crush Biden. I honestly don’t believe Biden could even get in and out of the golf cart. But that’s a moot point now that Biden’s dead.

  2. I don’t know about the winning club tournaments part but the guy has game, that much is true and not too shabby for 78.
    Pro golf is absolutely thick with players who have unconventional swings. I doubt they care how it looks …It gets the job done and puts steak on the table.
    Trump’s swing reminds me of this guy.

  3. I love it. He plays like an old man as that is what his body lets him do. You have modify what you do. As an old golfer I think I know what it takes to continue playing a good game as you age. I guess I will have to start using a cart to see if it will improve my game, maybe next year.

    1. This year I picked up a remote control powered hand cart, gives me the walk without the stress on my shoulder I was told to avoid.

      Didn’t help my score much, still low-mid 90’s, but relieved the pain and left me with energy after the round.

      Yeah, I know. If the shoulder is damaged, why still playing? Golf is a mental game, you gotta be mental to play it!

      1. The electric remote control cart is super for aging golfers that still want to walk. You can stroll along upright like a homo sapiens rather than being hunched over pushing 50 pounds or so.

      2. Low 90’s is the BEST score I’ve ever carded … even in my youthful prime. Why? Cause I’m a dead average (at best) golfer. See … I’m no Biden who lies about everything … and probably plagiarized his 6 handicap. We all know the type … an EMPTY windbag braggart.

        Good for you, Grumps! You got game.

        1. Best round this year was shortly after starting to use the remote powered cart, exceptional round scoring 40 on the back nine for an 85. A definite exception to the rule type game. But it does keep me going back to try again :0)

          I’ve been playing 2-3 rounds a week this year, Grams bought me a membership to keep me from going back to work. I’ve been restless since retiring again.

          To RA above: Old guys and gals are the ones walking in the morning when I play, Young healthy guys are the ones using the ride carts

          1. Golf … like so many endeavors… is muscle memory and practice, practice, practice. I know I’d improve greatly if my Grams got me a membership where I was playing 3-4x a week. At the peak of my game, my best friend, and then a business associate and I played just about every other day at Rossmoor retirement community. We played all summer after work … and walked their “long course” which was 7200 yds. NONE of the “old people” were golfing at 6pm … so we literally had the course to ourselves. My friend’s granny lived there … and was friends with the golf pro. Country Club quality golf for $20.00/round. The old people were all on their patios sipping highballs. 🙂

            I do recall having one round … when I was playing out of my mind (finally got my approach iron game together) when I shot 85. But that was the exception to my steady 95 game. Good for you, Grumps! Well done.

    2. VOWG! Most impressive that you are still walking the course! Why did I expect nothing less from you.

  4. Obama should have a good golf game, he practiced enough!

    Obama: 333 rounds of golf in 8 years as President

    Trump: 308 confirmed times in 4 years (His staff would often refuse to report Trump was playing golf, but Trump visited one of his properties with a golf course usually at least once a week, often for several days).

    so much for Trump’s 2016 promise “I won’t have time to play golf”.

    It was estimated that Woodrow Wilson played more than 1,000 rounds of golf during his eight years in office, according to presidentialgolftracker.com. Wilson even reportedly played in the snow, using golf balls that were painted black. As much as he played, he rarely ever broke 100.

  5. A lot of business gets conducted in the clubhouse and on the course. You need to look at who he plays golf with.

    1. I do my very best thinking and planning … in the shower. I once had a client who insisted that was billable time. Hahahaha ha ha. I need to create a new invoice code for “shower planning”.

      Golf is another very viable place to both do planning … or just unwind and clear one’s mind. How do I unwind with golf? I get so angry and aggravated with my errant shots … that I forget all my other worries. Hahahaha ha ha

  6. I watched the can I break 50 with Donald Trump.

    I was surprised at how many good tee shots Trump had.

    Also amazed at how many long putts DeChambeau made.

  7. Trump has a Saskatchewan swing! At least that’s what we used to call it in Alberta. Flat plane, falling forward at the end, consistent…

  8. Pretty consistent ball striking and putting by Trump. His questions to Bryson show knowledge of the game. My guess, around 10-12 handicap index, which is darn good for 78.

  9. The only way I’ll golf my age is if I live long enough and my game doesn’t get too much worse.

  10. Trump’s ability to score well is quite impressive, but also suggests that he plays a lot. Golf is very time consuming.

    Kamala is notoriously lazy and refuses to read briefing materials given to her.

    Neither is likely to treat being leader of the free world as a full time job!

    1. Right.
      Funny how much that “part-timer” Trump got done in his first 4 years..
      Maybe that is proof of how useless our professional (full-time) politicians really are?

  11. I enjoyed that. I play to an 18 handicap. Play once a week, with no practice. Trump hit 2 bad drives of 14, thats impressive.
    Best of Luck to Bryson and the Wounded warriors fund raising
