19 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Um, how about “threadreader” link?
    Garf Turner will be in denial, h sees a strong Trudopian economy through his progressive rose coloured glasses.

        1. pinochet.
          ah right. the one that threw them out of choppers and handed out the orphaned kids to rich families

          ah ya, but adolph he really really patched up that weimar economy now eh?

          thats the decisive crieteria who’s in the presidential palace? ‘good fo da heKONOMY. also like mussolini the rapist.

          1. Pinochet was the leader of the Chilean junta which ruled the country between from 1973 to 1981. The events you describe regarding orphans occurred during Argentina’s Dirty War from 1974 to 1983.

  2. Where’s the 2024 data???
    We’re likely much worse off, than the chart shows for 2022 !

  3. Millions of unskilled immigrants driving down wages while driving up the price of housing. Canada is rapidly becoming a third world shithole.

    1. True. But the gallows trapdoor was sprung when turdo, his media, our entire parliament, and all our provincial legislatures, gutless unions and grovelling corporations killed us with two years of covid horseshit. And none of them – including our Loyal Opposition – have admitted even a tiny bit of responsibility for signing that death warrant.

      In their cowardly way they are ALL quite content to let ALL public anger at this terrible state of affairs be directed towards immigrants. That way they can tut-tut-tut at us while breathing sighs of relief that they’ve dodged the real arrows.

      1. can’t refute that logic. Much of what ‘government’ does is stoke envy on group against the other.

  4. Pretty high correlation with how engaged in the fake and gay clown world a country is.

  5. Heh … my tribe is doing pretty well.
    There are some 5.4 million population and made 1.08 million cars last year.

  6. Mortgage paid and no other debt? Check.
    Skilled trade cred, cash and barter economy friendly and always in demand? Check.
    Backup power? Check.
    FU money? Check.
    FU ammo? Check.
    Homemade still? Check.
    Popcorn? Check.
