23 Replies to “July 24, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. I wonder if that skin colour is because the corpse is “mature” or if it’s one of the mercenaries that the “last nation-state”* recruits in Africa / Cuba / South Asia / Central Asia, luring them with promises of good money and Russian citizenship after a few months of service. Nativism at its finest, LOL.

      *According to Kenji and his fellow senile schweinie-lovers.

      1. “Promises of … Russian citizenship”

        As a reward. LOL. Why don’t they throw in rape and AIDS why at it? Oh wait, they do, that is part of the package of joining russian military in the first place.

  1. Jessica’s Colon and his butthole surfer pleasuring each other again, in public, as usual.

    1. I bet you’re writing it just because you only got your bottle to pleasure yourself (in more than one way).

    1. Horses will bite.

      I once was bite while trimming a foot. It was winter and I had insulated coveralls on. I had the left front foot between knees and was trimming away when the horse reached around and picked me up by the hip in her mouth. I was dangling off ground for a second or two when she dropped me. She had a mouthful of my coveralls and only slightly bruised my hip.
      There was no malace in her act, boredom was my guess.

    2. Horses quickly figure out who is in charge. If it isn’t you there is no end to the grief. I once walked an hour in a pouring rain because a stupid pony didn’t want to be caught and I wasn’t going to let him win. There are endless videos concerning guards, both mounted and infantry. If the tourist doesn’t get out of the way of infantry they get run over.

    1. Canada is 8th in the rankings and New Zealand 28th. It’s like copying the exam of the class retard.

  2. Justhin hand-picks the Liberal candidate for an upcoming by-election:

    No contested riding nomination is necessary, since doing so would entail democratic processes. However Justhin’s decision has angered a number of Liberal Little Shits in the riding (Verdun-Emard-Verdun), who want a contested nomination. It may be the case that the last name of the hand-picked candidate, one Laura Palestini, caught Trudeau’s eye. Her last name may earn her the position of Global Affairs minister, and earn Trudeau brownie points overseas. ):

  3. Two citizenry killed, two others wounded in a 2 am gun battle in Scarborough, Ontario;

    Police are just starting an investigation, but justice officials promised that the accused, when caught, will be immediately released on zero-dollar bail. People-of-colour are overly-represented in our legal system, a characteristic of white privilege, the officials said. ):

    1. Nothing worse?
      Try a journal editor, declining your paper only to see the same analysis appear in their PhD student’s paper printed in the same journal.

      1. What’s not to like – this law would probably put 99% of Canadian politicians behind bars.
