
Blacklocks- Solar Panels A Pollution Risk

The department budgeted $1.2 million for research on how to recycle panels at low cost. Panels contain aluminum, tellurium, antimony, gallium and indium “in some thin film modules which are currently not being recycled” due to high cost, it said. “Solar panels are constructed in such a manner that the many parts comprising the panel are difficult to separate and recycle individually.”

“Separating those materials and uniquely recycling them is a complex and expensive process as opposed to the cheap method of discarding the entire panel into a landfill,” it said.

17 Replies to “Oh?”

  1. There’s only one solution: pay China to take them for “recycling”. They can build another strategically-placed island somewhere.

  2. To compound this issue, solar panels are subject to hail damage on a level MUCH higher that expected. Not only can hail damage and destroy a panel outright, but documentation is now coming in suggesting that hail storms lower the life expectancy of use for such panels.

    This means more and more replacements. Initially, the manufacturers said they could withstand hail storms, but Texas (and a multitude of other events) have proven that to be a BIG FAT EFFIN LIE.

    1. Blowing sand, falling dirt, bird droppings and rain and snow continually damage and erode the panels and their performance. It was a waste of money to spend $1.2 million to conclude that it is economically imprctical to recycle solar panels. As well, the process would be polluting in itself. This has been long known. But then some Lieberal supporter needed the money

  3. Don’t forget the graveyards full of turbine blades which are made of fiberglass and cannot be recycled.


    And what is the lifespan of fiberglass in the ground? At least 50 years (according to AI search) and if you cover it up, where the sun cannot start to break down the plastics, it will last a very long time.

    And because of the health and safety risks, you can’t grind or chew it because it releases to much abrasive and toxic dust. You can burn it in plasma furnaces, but then you are into the evil and oft maligned CO2 problem.

  4. what aqbout when the shingle due fo replacement? that ANOTHER 5-10 k in cost,
    hjmmm? NO ONE has answered me that yet

  5. You can spend $60 per panel to recycle it and get $10 worth of materials

    That’s “Renewable” right?

    1. More likely 10 cents worth of material. The bulk of it has no value and costs money to dispose of.

  6. We’re all gonna die. Well, it is Shark Week, after all.
    “As climate change disrupts ocean temperatures, a significant trend is emerging: more sharks are heading north into Canadian waters. This northward shift includes great white sharks… As the number of sharks increases, so does the frequency of human-shark interactions.”
    – Global News July 13, 2024

  7. So … Obama ushered in a new “clean green” future for America in 2008. Just like Jimmy Carter … Obama encouraged all the truly progressive citizens to put solar on their homes. Well … it’s getting near 20 years on … and it’s time to renew the renewable energy. Acres and acres of near useless solar panels are ripe for disposal.

    Good Luck

  8. Oh no. Elements! We can’t have those in landfills.

    Solar panels – created by hysteria, buried by hysteria.
