22 Replies to “Savior Of Democracy”

  1. Bad link or something. At least for me it is.

    “ safari can’t open the page”

    “ the URL can’t be shown”

  2. Nice to see the phrase “anti-Israel” instead of the all too typical “pro-palestinian”. (not capitalized because it’s a propaganda fiction).

  3. Hitler’s grandchildren.
    Sedition, were they Republicans. Violent protesters who share their hatred for Jews with the newly anointed Democrat presidential candidate are capable of crime, but incapable of being prosecuted.

  4. I saw a YouTube clip title something along the lines of Harris getting the FULL OBAMA treatment. I’m past caring but am very interested to see the propaganda narrative being developed for Harris. Seems like an impossible sell but I’m in awe of the Dem bullshit regime and believe they can probably pull it off.

    BTW, Elon has denied the story that he is giving Trump $45 million a week saying that he does not donate to personality cults.

    1. They are her constituents, so no one will be charged. And where’s that Guardian of Democracy, Liz Cheney at this moment?

    2. Not to worry … FBLIE Dir. Chris Wray was in Congress today … testifying that we are in grave danger from Catholics who yearn for the Latin Mass. in grave danger from 85yo women praying outside an abortion clinic. Wray is busy, busy, busy … keeping us SAFE … from “radical Christianity”

      1. I always wondered what those bell-towers were for.

        I hope Wray is at the head of Trump’s list for immediate firing.

  5. No matter what you say about Trump, at least he never enslaved prisoners for the benefit of the state.

  6. There is a replica of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, and the protestors found it.
    It being in Philadelphia, I can’t say it didn’t already have graffiti on it, but it’s clearly Gaza graffiti now.


    Senator Marco Rubio X/Tweet comments regarding Canada allowing people in from Gaza, re-tweeted by Ezra Levant, seems spot on from over here too. Those people have known nothing but bringing terror to the world since 1947 and the imbeciles in Ottawa think they’ll stop when they’re given handouts from our gov’t?

    Pure idiocy.

  7. I can’t wait to see Adam Kidzinger cry while recounting the bravery of the police officers who were securing the flag from a horde of savages.
