The Undemocratic Democrat Party

“You pushed him down a flight of stairs, kicking & screaming.”

OVAL OFFICE ADDRESS UPDATE: It would help if he could speak like a normal person. His voice sounds weird and his enunciation is off. And his condemnation of extremism and violence would play better if angry mobs of terrorist sympathizers hadn’t invaded the Capitol and burned American flags while desecrating monuments around Washington.

12 Replies to “The Undemocratic Democrat Party”

  1. Thankfully, Pedo Joe is going to speak to the nation in about an hour and explain this new form of democracy to us.

    Why anyone would waste time listening to the lamest of lame ducks speak is beyond me, and anyway I don’t have a Delaware Decoder to translate his mumbling nonsense into some semblance of the English language.

    He won’t be explaining the Biden Crime Family’s intimacy with the Chinese, nor corrupt Ukrainians, so there’s nothing to be learned anyway.

    Perhaps he will explain Hyena Harris’ legacy of human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco, a city now in ruins.

  2. Does Portnoy have a complaint? I watched only about 15 seconds.

    Thinking lately: we have a major surfeit of pundits.

  3. Has Joe cured cancer yet? Oncology patients want to know. Or … did he just “say” he did?

      1. And on and on and on. An encyclopedic record of Pedo Joe’s lies would be … an encyclopedia.

  4. It’s so despicable (and I thought unlawful) to use the Oval office for electioneering.
    The commenter, I was watching, thought the announcement was prerecorded.
