20 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

    1. I do feel for the athletes, but I and my family think that the Olympics have become political garbage since the mid-1970’s. The only Olympics which were free and clear of debt were the 1984 Los Angeles Summer games and the 1986 Calgary Winter games. They have become a bloated, super expensive spectacle which only dictators want for international exposure.

  1. So Kamala’s a bigger commie than Barack.
    That’s just swell.
    And the media is telling us the sun shines out her asshole.

    1. Just discovered that Donald J.Trump donated $6000 to Kamala Harris campaign for State’s Attorney-general in 2011.
      Trump must have liked her at the time.

      1. I don’t care what Donald thinks about her. Now or then.
        He’s proven to have trusted some terrible people.
        Plus, IMHO, I think Trump is naturally positive about people in general.
        He’s known to treat the little people extremely well.
        What do you think of Kamala, Don?

    2. My local Fox News station KTVU Ch. 2 … is having soooooooo many “stories” and “interviews” and “comments” about Kamel Toe that it takes up about 60% of their on-air time. I swear … I’m gonna run a stopwatch just to measure how much publicity they’re giving her. Yeah … and it’s ALL positive and downright fawning.

  2. Well, my Sask experiment has proven to be a failure, so I am heading off to “the promised land!”

  3. Mario Nawfal

    Protestors are lining up outside behind the police blockade and barrier wall in front of the Watergate Hotel in Washington DC, projecting “WANTED ARREST NETANYAHU” onto the side of the hotel and waving Palestinian flags.

    @gregjstoker, @Hedgesgurl”


    Dr. Jill Stein
    Netanyahu has no business in Congress. He belongs in the Hague.

    We need to arrest that bastard.”


      1. Why would a child be put in harms way? Who would do that? We ALL know the answer … it’s a depraved people and culture of death who would do that. And that’s NOT Israel.

  4. govt.exe is corrupt
    “The RCMP has done more to oppress and persecute Canadians than they ever have at holding our politicians to account.

    They planted evidence and trampled us during the Freedom Convy, intimidated us at the Carbon Tax protest.

    They broke into our homes and stole our guns in High River and were responsible for the death of 22 Canadians in Nova Scotia. The list goes on.

    Yet no arrests made against TRAITORS in govt. They don’t work for us. They work to protect the Crown. They’re a terrorist organization.”


  5. I’m only halfway through the Peterson-Musk interview … and I am starting to grok Musk. He unequivocally stated that “moral relativism” is an evil danger to our society. He made no bones about the fact that both TRUTH and FALSEHOOD exist in the world. He clearly stated that the world is most certainly … black and white. It’s stunning to me that it takes an amazing intellect to grok that in 2024. Only truly stupid people … and those in the middle of the bell curve … believe that EVIL and GOOD are … relative.

  6. If you thought Joe Biden was terrible…
    Hyena Harris, the presidential candidate dedicated to destroying every practical form of energy…and thereby Western Society as well.

    It’s important to remember that she’s from California, the state no one can afford to live in, which has them screaming to get out.
