John DEIre

Robby Starbuck;

John Deere CEO John May should resign or be fired over this video. Listen up because you won’t believe what he admits.

He admits to seeking specific races for board seats and that “diverse” board members have questioned why certain non-diverse people were hired and how to ensure that 2 “diverse” candidates were ready for that job in the future.

This sounds like discrimination against White employees to me. How is this legal?

17 Replies to “John DEIre”

  1. Peace be unto Gym, every farmer in N. America is going to paint those things pink. Bucket and brush, baby pink.

    Just keep going, #Johnny. It’ll happen.

    And just wait for the Right To Repair lawsuits. That’s going to be a beauty.

  2. 100% anti white RACISM
    Thank BLM, George Floyd, DEI, ESG & the Globalist filth behind it all.

    It’s “legal” cause “constitutions” mean little these days.
    All part of the war against Euro Centric Peoples – why..?? Because WE built the greatest civilization in known History & stand in the way of said globalist Trash who would annihilate us.

    Go TRUMP..!!

  3. John May will only become truly woke … and his words … “challenged” … when he resigns for not only being a white man … but a REALLY white, white man. And he needs to sincerely apologize for being white … and by sincere … I mean give ALL his personal money and assets away to BLM.

  4. My grandson loves the John Deere toys and I like buying them for him, but I will never buy one again because of this discrimination against white people, especially males.
    Why do colour, gender, matter?
    A person is a person treat them like that.

    1. I sent them an email. I told them that I’ve owned/operated lots of JD equipment: tractors, skidders, dozers, track loaders, forage equipment, etc., but I will never buy another piece of JD stuff as long as I live.

  5. Talk about not reading the room. It does have all the makings of another Bud Light moment.

    1. Last rodeo I went to was Bud light everywhere. Rednecks live the pedo pride stuff just as much as city folk. Because cheaper. Derpaderp.

  6. Just as police are racist for arresting a disproportionate number of black males, John Deere is racist for selling equipment almost exclusively to white males. John Deere must implement a pricing/quota structure so their customer base fairly represents the North American demographic.

      1. No further sales to white folk until the sales to blacks catches up. You know it makes sense.

    1. Odd that their stock prices started climbing rapidly just as the COVID measures started to really kick in.

  7. DEI is like having a KKK commissar in every large company.. Powerful racial goals that overshadow the discrimination and racism.. Uncle Tom style :)..
