42 Replies to “July 25, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. The DNC is busy on it. Vote the Indian Jamaican California ex-AG to counter ‘racists’.

      Border, drugs, illegals or crime don’t bother her.

      1. Nor bankrupting the nation. If you thought social security was in trouble before now…

      2. “If you’re part of a crew nobody
        tells you they’re going to kill you.
        It doesn’t happen that way.
        There aren’t any arguments or
        curses like in the movies.
        Your murderers come with smiles.
        They come as your friends.
        People who cared for you all your life.
        They always seem to come when you’re
        weakest and most in need of their help.”

        – Joe Biden
        and then
        -Kamala Harris
        Rice returning as a “friend.”
        The DNC has it figured out: “It’s the economy stupid, stupid.”

  1. A Singapore court has sentenced a Japanese man to jail and caning for the “brutal and cruel” rape of a university student in 2019.

    The 38-year-old hairdresser, Ikko Kita, is set to be the first Japanese national to be caned in the city state, the Japanese embassy in Singapore told BBC News.

    He will be caned 20 times and also jailed for 17 and a half years.


  2. What an amazing year for music. So many great musicians at the height of their careers. It still echoes to this day.

    1. I was an overconfident, yet sweet-hearted little 10yo boy in 1965 … and my musical love for rock music of all genres was exploding along with the talent of the time. Most lists are lacking, because there was simply TOO DAMN MUCH top class music firehosed onto the public airwaves in the 1960’s … although this list has some real blind spots and odd foreign language songs that never made it to CA.

      A massive blind spot for 1965 … speaking of sweet hearted? A song written by a 19yo lad from Scotland … not bad work. A fantastic guitarist and even better singer. His music shaped our generation … enough so that The Beatles and Dylan paid homage.


        1. Truly a remarkable song. I played it at my mom’s funeral (the record, not me).

          Close to my favourite Beatles album!

          1. In my later life … Revolver has become my favorite. But only because I honestly didn’t “get it” as a 10yo boy. I thought all that Indian music was weird and bizarre. Now, I can’t get enough of it.

            I’m sorry for the loss of your mom. But she or you have good taste in music. Very sweet

  3. Jasper Burns?
    How many millions of dollars and committee meetings,before Parks Canada discovers what was known in the 1800s?
    Fire prevention.
    Site preparation.
    You cannot live in the woods without it.
    Sorry rhetorical question,they never will…Their cause of this “disaster” is “Climate Change”..never their incompetence.
    So after endless meetings they will award each other bonuses and recommend the shuttering of all industry in Western Canada.
    The loggers told them the simple truth and were pissed on.
    Timber comes off the land in one of two ways.
    As lumber or as ash.
    Guess which one Can Ahh Duh chose?

    1. Entirely the fault of tier 2 Canada’s federal gov’t.


      The Athabasca River runs directly through town, any pumper with a few sections of pipe could have at least prevented the fire from burning into the town from the southern edge. It’s not like a thinking person couldn’t see it, only Canada’s federal gov’t with $ billions wasted on every other pet project which doesn’t add any value to the country, doesn’t see anything.

      When you realize the federal gov’t hates Alberta, ask yourself, what could have been done differently?

      Separation referendum. Doesn’t matter who is in the federal gov’t next year, someday the federal #Libranos will return with a vengeance, just like cancer after radiation therapy.

      1. Wow. What a great year for music. Any one of the songs in the top 20 or 30 is better than anything I’ve heard in the last few years. Or maybe I’m just old and nostalgic. Well one or the other. Or both

        1. I remember all of them except the foreign language ones.
          A young man, a good job, engaged to a beautiful girl, life was good in 1965.

      2. I have met many civil servants (from all levels of government) over the past 50 years. The vast majority are too stupid to feed themselves.

    2. And the feds will claim it’s the result of anthropogenic climate change and further control over the serfs is mandatory. The bought-and-paid-for media will echo the BS and the brain-dead sheeple will comply.

    3. Forest “Management” has been eviscerated…
      Therein lies the issue…
      Thank the Climate – ECO Imbeciles for much of this, if not all.

    1. At least Google was honest and let the world know it’s carbon footprint increased by 50% since 2019.

    1. Yup, even if Trump refuses and something happens at a future outdoor rally they will fully blame him for the consequences.

      The good news is that Trump has transcended beyond that mortal plane to a new realm of existence, they can’t touch him politically this far into the game.

      Gamers call it “God Mode”

  4. The town of Jasper AB, appears to be largely burned, I’ve only seen this video at the AB Storm Watchers group on FB and at the CBC or Global so far…


    I think it’s important to note for some folks that Jasper National Park is a federal jurisdiction, though firefighters in the area seem to be from Alberta, BC, Montana, Australia…

    Updates are expected shortly after 11am Alberta time
    It’s impossible to tell the actual size of the fire in the town or area with this video…

  5. Gavin Newsom is cleaning up the homeless shantytowns … so the disgusting visual cannot be used against Camilla Harris …


    This reminds me of when Gavin mandated container ships would have to wait 20 miles offshore because Long Beach harbor couldn’t handle the off-loading due to new diesel truck rules. Seeing all the ships clogging Long Beach harbor, became a visual reminder of the State’s incompetence and supply chain eco-clog. So Gavin just put it all out of sight.

  6. SSpeaking of Just-Stop-Oil zombies, two others were found guilty of vandalizing a Van Gogh paint8ng:

    The presiding judge in the case will sentence the two young women on September 24th. He is the same tough judge who earlier sentenced other zombies to four years in jail for similar stunts. He told them after the verdict to “prepare for some jail time”.

    1. Glue them to each other and toss their asses in prison for a proper long time. Van Gogh created beauty out of his tortured mind. These two womyn simply destroy with their tortured minds.

  7. Re Biden’s Oval Office address: was it recorded?

    Scott Adams says several eagle eyed people noticed the time on Biden’s watch didn’t match the duration of his “address”

    Anyone find more info on this?
