19 Replies to “Justin Fights “Incorrect” Thinking”

  1. Every one involved should be fired.. All funding to this and all the rest of this garbage cult cut off day one.

    1. This is why cuckservatives always lose. They won’t attack. They think it’s beneath them.

  2. I’m a conservative and calling me names and slandering me is actionable in a civil court room, it’s high time we stop allowing the liberals to use our tax dollars to demonize Conservatives.

  3. While the Libs / NDP have CSIS/RCMP looking into parents who oppose the sexual mutilation of children.

  4. Time to get the government out of education policy.
    Replace the current mess with a graduated voucher system that allows parents to decide where to spend money on their children’s education.

    1. I trust Poilievre will immediately stop funding to all these progressive quangos.
