Show Her The Man

She’ll show you the crime: was a highly successful operation—particularly after Lydia solved the problem of us getting our conferences cancelled by buying the Castle.

But it has been murdered by New York State Attorney General Letitia James.

It’s important to note that she’s not charged us with anything. But under James, New York State has become what liberal law professor Jonathan Turley has described as “The Land The Law Forgot.”

She has waged unprecedented, unethical and unscrupulous lawfare against, for example, the National Rifle Association and, most notoriously, against President Donald J. Trump.

And, much lower down the food chain, against the VDARE Foundation. […]

Americans generally don’t understand what is actually going on here—how this de facto “Social Credit “system, like the one the Chinese Communists have, being used to suppress patriots.

19 Replies to “Show Her The Man”

  1. Very upsetting. An indication of where the world is going while many people remain oblivious.

  2. But, but, but … Kate! V.Dare is an “Alt-Right, far-Right, White Supremacist, White Nationalist, HATE Group!! Wikipedia dedicates paragraph after paragraph insisting upon this. So does the SPLC. So … Letitia James is simply Natzi-killing! Yeayyy Letitia!! She’s SAVING our Democracy from Evil White people!! Letitia is our savior. She’s trying to kill the 21st Century Hitler … and all his White minions.

  3. This is not a unique problem. Owen Benjamin solved it in 2018. But the fight never ends.

  4. Peter Brimelow was one of my favourite National Post Columnists before he fled the deranged dominion. Perhaps he should now consider Argentina as the deep state is consuming the US.

  5. Seems that this would make a good RICO or SLAPP suit. Feed their lawyers right back to them.

  6. Sad, I hate it when the dirty Communists win, at least in their worm infested decrepit minds. As noted by Peter and above, no one knows this is going on.

  7. White Americans should have picked their own damn cotton. That way the US would have a lot less black commies in positions where they can turn the country into an imitation of Africa.

    1. Well I bet this post is planted to be quoted later by government agencies as a reason to shut down SDA under hate speech…

  8. A prime Canadian example, among very many, is the criminal charge of “unsafe storage of empty shells” or expended shells or anything they can come up with.

    It’s a racket among the most evil and most profitable.

  9. 1. Move out of the state.
    2. Use a host in Switzerland.
    3. Un-suspend the site.

    1. Their problems are more complex than that. The situation is downright sinister. They are indicative of the tactics being used to impose totalitarianism. Everyone should be concerned as this will not end here.

  10. I believe Democrats have made assassination legal, so there’s that avenue.
    Not advocating, just pointing out the painfully obvious.
