30 Replies to “So Noted”

  1. The media gymastics to reverse course and to paint Kamala as an efficient, capable and accomplished Democratic candidate are more entertaining than the Olympics.

    Especially amusing is the theme that she has earned overwhelming support from the grassroots of the party! In reality, she has exactly zero votes.

  2. Harris cannot win. Absolutely no one with a brain (yeah I know) will vote for her or believe it if she gets 80 million votes. What the hell do the Dems have up their sleeves?
    It looks like Biden endorsed her to give Obama the finger. Are they throwing in the towel? Is she Kim Campbell? Are they going to start WW3? stay tuned?

    1. I think she’s too dumb to understand that she stands no chance whatsoever. Plus, she hopes for other assassination attempts. And even if it will go all the way to election day, there’s always Fraud in DNC’s toolbox.
      Worst case clear/big loss, she hopes for some status/name recognition within DNC and msmedia (the only one who dared to take on Trump, former VP, break the glass ceiling yadda-yadda).

    2. Wrong Thomas.

      For sure she can’t win in a fair fight. But when do Democrats or the left ever fight fair? Have you forgotten the last election?

      Mainstream media will portray her as the most amazing, perfect presidential candidate since Abe Lincoln while at the same time, smearing Trump as a racist, misogynist, Nazi dictator-wannabe. Multi-billionaires will flood her campaign with money. And they’ll use every dirty trick and every kind of fraud they can get away with.

      The longer the campaign goes on, the more voters will realize she’s as dumb as a sack of potatoes and as likeable as a dose of the clap. Even so, it’s touch and go for Trump. He can’t afford to make any mistakes, and you know how difficult that will be for him.

    3. No Harris can’t win. Neither could Obama defeat McCain, or Romney, Trudeau defeat Harper, or Biden defeat Trump.

      I’m worried. The Lord works in mysterious ways.

    1. Axios and Politico are ready to work hard to remove Wikipedia (D) quotable sources on anything bad against Harris.

      They’re also ready to add quotable smear against the opponent. It’s propaganda in which the DNC believes and ‘believes’.

      Wikipedia (D) refuses facts and prefers the DNC leaning reality distortion field. It’s childish lying.

  3. With western population attention spans the length of a Tik Tock video, they can say and get away with what they want.

  4. scrubbing past media reports.
    straight out of the opening scenes from ‘1984’
    we are officially here.
    kamala harris, a case study in the efficacy of propaganda.
    we are officially here.

  5. I remember, specifically, Biden naming her Border Czar. The reason I remember is because the big response from the Republicans was, “How can you name her Border Czar? She has never even been to the border.”

    This was followed by a couple months where she still hadn’t visited the US southern border, and then the media made a big deal about it when she finally went.

    1. @Orson

      You’re undoubtedly confused, when he said Border “Czar” he obviously meant protecting Ukraine’s border against “Russia, Russia, Russia”.


      Only Right-Wing Nationalist Hiiiiiitlerites would want to protect Americans according to progressive Globalist elites and the Kool-aid drinking useful idiots that defend them in destroying western freedom & democracy.

    2. Kameltoe admitted she’d never been to the border and then suggested she’d never been to Europe either.

      Kameltoe logic.

  6. What concerns me is how nakedly they will gaslight. Do they think people are that dumb, or do they know the outcome already?

  7. Peter

    “..Do they think people are that dumb..?”
    Yes & they are correct too..!!

    When you have millions watching utter filth like the View, MsNBC, CNN…? yep..!!

  8. Yes, I found this helpful. The love-in will continue until the polls show otherwise.

  9. Let me help the Border Czar who seems to still be struggling to find the “root causes” for the sudden Biden surge in immigration.

    1. People leaving the “shithole” countries … because they’re shitholes.
    2. You’ve thrown the borders wide open under the guise of “political asylum”
    3. There are hundreds of NGO’s facilitating migration, because they HATE successful capitalist nations.
    4. Nefarious Nations are sending their criminals and dregs of society to our borders
    5. Because you’re actually PAYING for flying plane loads of “immigrants” to America
    6. Because you’re GIVING immigrants all manner of FREE SHIT !! Free housing, free medical, free food stamps, and monthly cash stipend.
    7. Terrorists are stationing Terror cells inside the USA … because you’re letting them
    8. Because you’re systematically REPLACING the American population with frankly lesser skilled and talented slave labor.
    9. You’re bolstering illegal, fraudulent, voter rolls … 10 million Democrat voters
    10. You’re intentionally “browning” America … you’ve even bragged about it.

    1. Common @Kenji, elites have always done well with slaves, give them a break at least they have one stance they have maintained and “conserved” throughout history.

  10. Ol’ Joe fed the Party elites a poisoned pill when he endorsed Kameltoe. It was a final FO to them after they deep sixed him. They hate her but they’re stuck with her. They are now making a silk purse out of a sows ear

  11. These days, the lies that people want to believe are far more important than the truth they can’t help but see.

    1. Yup. They know full well the state of affairs, but they won’t acknowledge it … let alone accept any responsibility for it.

      Canada: old Seneca word meaning “land of crying papoose.”

  12. Biggest DEI hire in the history of mankind.

    I can’t see America’s enemies cringing in fear when she is made president.
