4 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. Ah yes the wonderful “religion” of Islam. We are all nuts for allowing one single muslim into our country, now we will pay a terrible price.

    1. Perhaps not ‘all’ of us, but certainly a combo of those wishing to undermine Western society, unwittingly assisted by the perpetually deluded, hand holding, Kumbaya chanters who actually believe that if they clap their hands Tinker Bell will fly again.

      Not that Covid masks work at all, but it’d be great if someone could invent a ‘anti-stupidity mask’, the wearing of which would be mandatory….for some…..far too many.

    2. They never came here to assimilate….they came at the behest of Egyption Hassan al Banna (creator of the Muslim Brotherhood), to fertilize his “Project”. Creation of an Islamic Caliphate throughout the Western Hemisphere….as far back as the very early ’50’s.

      Fully Aided & Abetted by Angela Merkel and the Cabal of EU based Global interests. Said interests IMO, see Islam as the Ultimate in Control Mechanisms…think about that. Only way out is off a high roof or a hole dug in the ground with yer head exposed.

      Islam expects & for the most part gets – 100% Compliance.

      A DISEASE that IMO, requires 100% ERRADICATION…All 2.3 Billion of em.
      It’s the only way to be sure…no?
